Hilarion’s Weekly Message, through Marlene Swetlishoff
October 24-31, 2010
Beloved Ones,
For most of you, this month has literally flown by. The sense of acceleration continues to be a significant factor in your daily lives. It is a time of doing your very best and allowing yourselves freedom from the stress of “should’s and must do’s”. This requires the ability to go easy on yourselves in every way and to accept that you are in a Human body and not only that, a Human body that is in the process of great transformation and change and that you do have certain limitations because of this.
Accept this for the time being and realize that all good things come to those who persevere and that your Soul’s goals ARE being accomplished whether you may think so or not.Your Soul operates in spherical time, not linear time and implacably continues the blossoming forth of your personal and Universal Divine Plan according to God timing rather than Human linear timing.
Be at peace, Beloved Ones, you are all securely on the Path that you have chosen for yourselves. Each of you is doing your part as best you can, given your consciousness and comprehension of what is transpiring in your personal World (micro) and your greater World (macro). The trick at this time is to learn to focus on the moment you are in, with as much of your attention as is possible for you.
This will help you to eventually attain Mastery of your life, for the more mindfulness you apply to each moment of your existence, the greater ease is created in your outward manifestations of your inner processes. Truly, we are in awe of the capacity you are showing in creating Mastery within yourselves and the creativity you show in accomplishing this is marvelous to behold.
You are all well on your way to the completion of the issues you have long been grappling with. It is still not clear to most of you the higher purpose of these issues and as with all those living upon the Earth plane, these events and situations are not clearly visible until much later, when you review the events from a different perspective of hindsight. We must say, that from our perspective, you Ones are all much too hard on yourselves and we say to you, the only failure is in ceasing to try!
No matter how your “dark night of the Soul” has been manifesting in your everyday life, know that you are never given more than you can handle at any given time. It is also true, that for whom much has been given, much is required and what that means is that as you move up the ladder of Ascension and Mastery of yourselves and you conquer the temptations and the trials that have beset you, you gain in greater power and awareness and this power and awareness must then be used for ever greater and more enlightened purposes and not strictly for personal gain. As that biblical saying goes, from Mark 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole World and forfeit his Soul?” Each of you knows this wisdom in your deepest Self and each of you have lived by this precept for many, many lifetimes.
Look for the positive changes within yourselves and that which is manifested in your outer self reality. These changes are discernible and you will find that greater synchronicities of a flow of blessings becomes a constant in your lives. You are becoming more attuned to Creator’s goodness and greatness and this can only manifest as an ever increasing flow of blessings in your personal lives.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff