by Nicky Hamid
Our life is mapped out perfectly to bring us each exactly the opportunities to gain the experiences our Sacred Heart desires and what our Soul Being requires..
All is with the purpose to experience the contrast and reveal the “Shadow” and bring the Divine Light that we are, to it.
All along our journey are Mentors who appear as our Being requires them. “When the student is ready, the Master appears.”
These beautiful Friends appear in all kinds of ways, in all kind of disguises, through our life. They appear from within or in physicality.
They can appear as brilliant Messengers of Light or in the simplest human situation as a most ordinary (extraordinary) situation and as a most humble personage.
With 83 Years of Playing Within the Heart of Gaia, here is an incomplete list of some of the major mentors in my Life journey. All REMINDING me of who I AM and what I am not.
All pointing me to the Expanding, Infinite, Everlasting Light of SELF and the Lovingness I AM.
I So Love You
Here is some of Mine
My HUMan side:
Carl Jung- the human psyche
Emmanuel Swedenborg- understanding the reality of “madness”
Fritz Perls – simple awareness, being here now.
Alan Watts- a playful attitude to my own intellect.
Karl Popper- “clocks and clouds” are created and display the same fundamental creative and dynamic principles of physical reality.
Wittgenstein – in the end the only way to explain the nature of anything is to “groke” it i.e. comprehend the Knowing of it beyond words and logic.
Nassim Haramein- the beauty and simplicity of quantum and the cosmos as ONE “system”.
The I Ching- A practical teacher of living with the magnificence of unpredictability and potential, and change.
Jesus- the magnificence of Loving Kindness
Mother Mary- Universal, unconditional Lovingness
Mary Magdelaine- practical care of others, and loving people who never are “broken’.
The Buddha and the ever present Peace of Mind.
Lao Tse- the art of allowing
St Francis- simplicity of true service
My Mother- never trying to change me to be anything other than who I was and always loving me whatever I did.
My Father – a deep humble, simple, gentle and highly intelligent man.
My wife Glynne– the ever present comfort of our relationship through all ups and down- my ego reflector.
My children- reminding me that they are unique and beautiful as they are and need no interference from me.
My “clients” and students- for exploring and demonstrating all the limitless ways Shine emerges from the hardest of times and self-treatment.
Many, many ordinary working people living a simple life, in a genuine and apparently ordinary manner, but who unpretentiously Shine their light without being conscious that this is what they’re doing.
And now it is ALL you here in FB who constantly remind me of the Beauty and Magnificence of being HUman.
Mahavatar Babaji- So many ways of living comfortably as Divine “in my own skin”.
Romana Marharshi- Letting Go of “little self’.
Krishna- The “Real Self” and the Laws of Action
Quan Yin- the Power and Flowing Actions of Compassion and Mercy
Annie Besant- one pointedness and the richness of dharma (ones own gifts).
Bishop Leadbeater- the occult (multidimensional) ways of experiencing.
And Present all the way through my life “The Great White Brother/Sisterhood’ in the unseen but Oh so Real.
And Creator Beings who infuse the Field of me daily with Accelerated High Light.
I am SO honoured to Know You ALL, as the LOVE I AM
Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.
I So Love You.