A hot-air balloon rises in the sky because its pilots drop the sandbags and turn up the heat.
We’ve dropped many, many sandbags and the warmth of love is flaring up inside us, causing us all to rise.
So many of us have passed through such trials and tribulations in this lifetime that the experience of clarity and elevation that we now bask in isn’t something, I imagine, that any of us would have expected many years ago.
I personally am so unaccustomed to feeling this light and free that I have too remind myself that there’s more to come. Feeling this way is its own reward. The journey is as pleasant as the destination.
I visited my brother and sister-in-law in Victoria a little while ago and participated in three transformational events. The first was a talk by Thomas Daniel Nehrer on his transformational experiences and the second and third were videos about Werner Erhard (Transformation) and Byron Katie (Turning It Around), illustrating their work.
What struck me were the similarities. The work of all three of them was to assist people to release their false beliefs and inner turmoil, their false grids and vasanas – the sandbags that hold the balloon back.
But none of the three talked about the rising energies on the planet which are also wafting us aloft.
Even if they didn’t, the work of dropping the illusion and its residue – our false beliefs and the pain we carry around inside from the vasanas, constructed self, and character armor we created – is universal and universally enriching and liberating. And this is the time to be doing our finishing work, to make an end of our engagement with the illusion.
I love what Jesus said a few days ago:
“The foundations and underpinnings of the illusion are collapsing because all of you have chosen to engage with Love – Love is Real, the illusion is not – which is all that exists. Within the illusion the awakening to Love started like a little snowball released to roll downhill, and like a snowball It has been added to and added to as It has rolled.
“We have been talking for some time now about a Tsunami of Love, well right behind it is an avalanche, and that avalanche is unstoppable! Prepare yourselves to be enveloped in its brilliant white Light, open yourselves to it, float to its sunlit surface, then get up on your snow boards or skis and glide gloriously across its shining surface in a state of ecstatic enjoyment.
“The momentum towards your awakening is continuing to build. Embrace the Love that enfolds you within It, share It, extend It, and you will experience the sense of knowing that your awakening is indeed imminent.” (1)
Like long-distance runners nearing the finish line, we should be getting our second breath any time now. The thought of all those who are waiting to welcome us home, as “Maria” saw in her vision of Ascension (2) – the celestials, our star family and our guides – should inspire us to run these last few miles in style.
The journey hasn’t ended but the end is in sight. The end of this leg of the journey but the beginning of an entirely new and inspiring life.
(1) “Jesus: The Forces of the Dark are in Disarray!” Chanelled by John Smallman, June 3, 2014, at https://wp.me/p1B8dY-iC.
(2) “Is Ascension Beginning? – Part 6,” May 24, 2014 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/05/24/is-ascension-beginning-part-6/.