I’ve been asked to discuss ways in which to raise our spiritual vibrations so as to facilitate the processes of releasing abundance, bringing in world peace, etc.
That’s a bit confronting for me. I don’t want to be a spiritual teacher and I haven’t the qualifications to fill that capacity even if I did want to.
As long as that’s plainly understood, I may make a few personal comments on the subject, without somehow trying to persuade you that what I say is anything more than my opinion.
Moreover, I’m not sure I could say how another person might raise their vibrations. I think I can only speak for myself, if you’d allow me.
The request that’s being made by the Company of Heaven to raise our vibrations is well known. Most recently we learned that the coming of events like the Reval are related to frequency rather than timing. The Tsunami of Love, which will increase over the next month, is the primary mechanism that will help us with that task.
What is the most efficacious way to raise our vibrations? For me the short answer would be to say: Love. Saul makes it clear that that’s our task as lightworkers here:
“Your task, you Lightbearers and wayshowers, is to demonstrate Love in action. You all know, deep within yourselves, whether you have admitted it to yourselves or not, that you are Love, that there is nothing else.” (1)
That answer is extensive and intensive. It’s particular to our circumstances of Ascension and comprehensive of our entire journey from God to God.
A second, intermediate way of answering it might be, I think, to say that the way would be to embrace the divine qualities more fully in my life and live more completely by the universal laws.
The universal laws include the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Freewill, the Law of Attraction, etc. I can hear others saying “the Law of Transmutation,” “the Law of Elimination” – yes, those operational laws too.
In regards to myself, it doesn’t seem to be what I know or don’t know that’s important. It’s what I do – or rather don’t do – with what I know. For instance, I know we’re to love, trust and forgive if we want to live in harmony. But how much of the time do I actually act upon that?
Do I live by the Golden Rule? Do I behave with personal responsibility, integrity, and reliability? Do I care for others? These are questions I’d ask myself if I wanted to find ways to raie my vibrations.
Do I read what we’re told here by the Company of Heaven like a good novel: reading it, getting a rush, and then forgetting it? Or do I digest and integrate the food we’re being given?
How often do I actually realize and act on that realization that I’m part of the Divine Mother’s Plan to bring in a new world? If more people lived from the proposition that they do have a part to play – and played it – I’d expect that that would raise our collective vibrations.
May I digress for a moment?
We as a society are awakening from a sleep a dozen times longer than Rip van Winkle’s. Our society has been asleep since ancient times.
Recently I was studying a particular period of history in which I had a lifetime. The manner in which people treated each other – cruelly pillaging, enslaving and killing – is totally shocking. And yet it was accepted as normal. And it’s still happening today.
Jesus (and many others) spoke of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That translates the Law of Cause and Effect into behavioral counsel: What we do unto others is precisely what will be done unto us. In the vernacular, what goes around comes around. But do we actually practice it? If we did, that would raise our vibrations.
Let me close with one practice that has impressed me lately to raise my vibrations: that of expressing gratitude for all that’s happening. Sanat Kumara says:
“Our time lines at this juncture are in alignment, our energies are in alignment, our grids, our intentions, the divine plan, it is all in alignment so that is why I am here this day, that is why the Mother is flooding you even as I am speaking to you. How you begin is being in your grateful heart.
“You say, ‘I don’t have anything to be grateful for; I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m broke.’ Then be grateful that you are breathing, be grateful that you know that you are in a situation that must change. Look outside your window and be grateful for the sky, the air, the grass, the trees, the cement. Start with me by anchoring in your grateful heart. In your heart, not the heart, not the heart of One, but your sacred heart that is an infinite, eternal vessel of love.” (1)
That so resonates with me.
If and when I wish to accelerate my own learning, I go to this webpage – “The New Paradigm is the Divine Qualities” – that Brian has made available for us at https://goldengaiadb.com/The_New_Paradigm_is_the_Divine_Qualities. I read over the manner in which the Company of Heaven say life should be lived and renew my pledge to live my life that way. As far as I’m concerned, Jenny, since you asked, that’s the way I raise my vibrations. It may apply to others as well.
(1) “Saul: Everyone Will Awaken But No One Will Be Forced to Do So,” channeled by John Smallman, July 27, 2014 at: https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.)
(2) “Sanat Kumara answers: How do we shift into the fullness of abundance?” Counciloflove.com, July 31, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/07/sanat-kumara-answers-how-do-we-shift-into-the-fullness-of-abundance/.