CU there! – Steve Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, the kingdom transmuters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, […]
Sending Love Mondays, September 20th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, the kingdom transmuters, the Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for […]
Sending Love Mondays, September 20th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for 30 minutes sending Love. […]
Sending Love Monday, September 13th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
CU there! – Steve Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, the Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia, everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones […]
Sending Love Monday, Sept. 6th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
CU there – Steve. Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones […]
Sending Love Monday, August 30th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
CU there! – Steve Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, beloved saints, enlightened beings, Divine Mother/Father, Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of […]
Sending Love Monday, August 23rd — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for our 30 […]
Zoom Link for Sending Love Monday — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — August 16th
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia & everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for our 30 […]
Sending Love Monday, August 9th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters and brothers, angels and archangels, the Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia and everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for our […]
Sending Love to the Collective
Mondays, I host an online Zoom, 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST. We mute ourselves so there’s no distraction and spend 30 minutes sending Love. . . If this is something that resonates with you, come join in. The Zoom link is posted at the top of this blog, Golden Age Gaia, on Mondays. […]
Owen Waters: Etheric Light Energy When we talk of sending light out into the world, we are referring to a subtle energy, empowered and conditioned by spiritual intent. Etheric energy is life energy. It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is […]
Why Send Love. . .
I’ve found I’m discovering Who I Am the more I send Love from the forehead – third eye – to individuals, groups/situations, just for the Love of sending Love. . . no agenda other than to Love everyone (or if someone asks for help). And the Love magically comes back, so I LOVE myself more, […]
Sending Love Monday, July 26th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Forgiveness of Everything
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters and brothers, angels and archangels, the Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia and everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for our […]
Sending Love Monday, July 26th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — in Forgiveness of Everything
Thank you to everyone joining on Zoom, and at home, with huge gratitude to our star sisters and brothers, angels and archangels, the Ascended Masters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia and everyOne. Upon joining the call, I’ll be welcoming and speaking, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for our […]
The Legions of Love
There are so many helpful, useful channeled messages coming out right now that it’s hard to keep up. Recently Sitara posted one from Judith Kusel. The message – Judith’s emergence, so to speak – was spectacular and shows you some of the changes occurring. (1) I want to repost part of a recent message from […]