(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) Questioner: I can’t understand everything you say. Divine Mother: There are parts of this, in the infinite and eternal – yes, even in the fulfillment of my Plan, even in what I have termed ‘New Time’ – that you may not fully comprehend. Then you may say to me, “Well, […]
As Our Hearts Open and Our Minds Expand, More Information is Shared – Part 1/2
I enjoy using the question-and-answer format and it’s the most efficient method of delivering information. In this two-part article, the Company of Heaven shares what their criteria are for offering or withholding information. Questioner: You seem to be giving us information in a definite way. Lao Tzu: We have not spoken of [some subjects] before […]
“You Weren’t Ready Before”
Before I take a deeper look at the messages that say that all of us here on Planet Earth at this time are angelics, I’d like to look at the way the Company of Heaven (CoH) imparts information to us. The CoH does not tell us everything about topics that they think we won’t be […]
Why Do Things Seem to Go Slowly?
In a 2016 reading I had with Sue Lie and the Arcturians, which I haven’t posted on before, the Arcturians shed some light on the way the Company of Heaven proceeds in teaching us. Let’s go over what they shared about their process. Let me also share their admonitions to the blog – similar to […]
Who is the Company of Heaven? – Part 1/2
We commonly hear of the “Company of Heaven,” but do we really know who’s being referred to? Is the term meant to embrace all angels, archangels, seraphim, and ascended beings, galactic as well as terrestrial? Or is it used just to indicate those helping with the Ascension of Earth? Does it include others? Let’s review […]