We commonly hear of the “Company of Heaven,” but do we really know who’s being referred to?
Is the term meant to embrace all angels, archangels, seraphim, and ascended beings, galactic as well as terrestrial?
Or is it used just to indicate those helping with the Ascension of Earth?
Does it include others?
Let’s review what our sources say about the composition of the Company of Heaven.
In a future post, I’d like to look at their command structure, if “command structure” is an appropriate term in the higher dimensions.
Mike Quinsey’s sources tell us that “there are powers in the higher dimensions that control events on Earth, and also ensure that the wishes of the people are upheld.” (1) That seems to suggest that there is such a structure.
SaLuSa through Mike revealed to us that “the Forces of Light have never gathered together on Earth in such numbers for millennia of time. This is of course in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (2)
Who are these higher powers and who’s gathering in numbers? And why? What is the Plan?
SaLuSa tells us: “Although individuals have always been able to ascend, it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted.” (3) The Plan therefore is for a mass and physical Ascension. Definitely a departure from the individual, post-mortem ascensions in the past.
Archangel Michael reminds us that our Ascension will trigger Ascensions all over the universe: “Do not forget, sweet angel, that this is the beginning, the domino effect of many planetary ascensions.” (4)
Our planetary logos, Sanat Kumara, explains:
SB: But isn’t the whole universe ascending, Raj? We’re not the only planet, are we?
SK: You’re first in line.
SB: Ah! So we’re the first planet to ascend. Is that what you mean?
SK: Yes. (5)
Some accounts are generic, but still suggest who is here. For instance, the Divine Mother – the active side of the Father/Mother One – gave us a generic accounting of the Company of Heaven, in the course of telling us how enlightenment reaches us.
“Normally, [Light] would come from me to my realms, to the dominions, to the seraphim, to the archangels, etc., to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. But that is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. You see, there is no shortage of what I have to share.” (6)
Indeed, there isn’t. Viewed from the standpoint of our personal enlightenment, this is one listing of the Company of Heaven. She offered a second on the same occasion, more tailored to Ascension:
“Just as you all have outer form and have said, ‘Mother, let us assist, let us help,’ so the seraphim, the cherubim, the archangels, the legions of angels, every ascended, enlightened being, your star brothers and sisters … are all acting as transmitters.” (7)
In the descriptions we’ve read so far, we may notice that they cover primarily angels and humans.
We don’t hear of faeries often, or elves, or spirits of fire, earth, air, water, etc. I’m sure they’re part of it, but I think the attention is being kept on the realms that are most acceptable to humans – human ascended masters, human galactics, archangels assuming human form (as Archangel Michael did with me on two occasions), etc. (8)
The Arcturians list some of the galactic civilizations here to help us:
“The beloved members of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and Antares, as well as the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, and the awakened members of Earth have all joined together to assist Gaia in the fulfillment of Her transformation.” (9)
Many more civilizations are here than just these; Venus, most prominently. But the main contingents seem to come from the star systems the Arcturians listed.
SaLuSa extends the term “Company of Heaven” to include the folks on Earth’s Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, via the afterlife, who are helping lightworkers on Earth – our closest friends and relatives.
“I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and pass on great blessings and love from the members of the Galactic Federation. We want to see you sail through what remains of the cycle of Duality, and we will be there with you to give every assistance.
“We will not of course be the only ones, as there are many souls from the Spirit World supporting you now. Plus your Angelic Beings that have exceptional powers if they need to use them, who are already protecting you as they have since your birth upon Earth.” (10) [My italics.]
(1) Mike Quinsey, July 8, 2016, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Mike%20Quinsey/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(2) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012.
(4) Archangel Michael in personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 24, 2015.
(5) “It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.,” March 13, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/it-is-a-new-day-sanat-kumara-on-pope-francis-the-process-of-ascension-the-earths-place-in-ascension-etc/.
(6) “The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” Oct. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/08/the-divine-mother-the-role-of-clarity/.
We’re incredibly privileged to have the information directly from her of how Light is passed down from her to us. I regard this as sacred information directly from the Divine Mother. We may not fully appreciate the honor.
It’s hard to hold the honor of it in one’s consciousness for more than a few seconds, so addicted are we to variety.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) On one occasion, I came out of my apartment to encounter a man standing around ten feet away, looking into at the door. I had never encountered anyone simply standing looking into our front door before and, puzzled, I looked back over my shoulder after I had passed him. He had disappeared in a matter of a second or two. My wife (ex) and I went around the block but couldn’t find a trace of him anywhere. I asked AAM in a reading if that was him and he said it was.
He looked exactly like an old friend, Mark Orich, who had died years earlier. He had brown hair tied in a ponytail. The closest likeness I’ve been able to come across among someone people might know would be Keanu Reeves, only softer features.
I encountered him again, with the very same likeness, when I awoke in a lucid dream on board a galactic ship. I was in the cafeteria listening to people when I suddenly heard a voice so melodic that I couldn’t ignore it. I turned in my seat and asked, “Are you Archangel Michael?” He looked the same as he had before – ponytail, Mark’s features.
I sat spellbound, listening to him. Suddenly he arose from his seat and his form became diaphanous at the legs. As he moved over top of me, I leaned back, and he breathed into my mouth, which woke me up.
I asked him later what he had breathed into me, and he replied, “Love. To help you remember what you saw when when you awoke.”
With my memory what it is these days, I can’t remember the year. Probably 2013. These incidents are mentioned elsewhere on the blog.
(9) The Arcturians, Sept. 13, 2008, at https://www.galacticfriends.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3425&Itemid=92
Here’s Goldenlight’s list:
“In addition to the mass consciousness of Earth, you have the assistance of many higher beings such as us from the Angelic realms, us from the Pleiadian realms, others from all the other star systems, Ascended Masters, and many other benevolent beings.” (“Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight ~ The Global Reset of all Systems in Preparation for the Golden Age on Earth,” channeled by Goldenlight, July 25, 2013 at https://thegoldenlightchannel.com.)
Atmos of Sirius also gives us a short catalogue, restricting his mention of the galactics of the Galactic Federation of Light, although they’re not the only extraterrestrial coalition here:
“The Galactic Federation, along with the White Brotherhood and Elders, are the principal players in the process of preparing you not just for these final years to 2012, but beyond.” (Atmos, Aug. 28, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.)
(10) SaLuSa, Oct. 26, 2011.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)