by Vidya Frazier There’s no denying that violence and mayhem are rapidly increasing in the world. The good news is that many people are finally waking up as to why this is occurring. They’re seeing more clearly the crimes that have been committed against all of us across the world. But it is getting […]
Vidya Frazier: We are Living in Two Realities
By Vidya Frazier During these strange and wild times we’re currently living in, one interesting thing you can discover is that there really are two very different realities available to us now. Depending on your frequency and how much you choose to be aware, you can notice how very different your experiences can be […]
Ascension Ain’t Easy
by Vidya Frazier Remember when the idea of ascension sounded like an exciting and blissful journey in which we’d somehow magically blossom into our true multidimensional selves as we shifted into the Fifth Dimension? Well, in some ways, it is kind of like this, right? We do have those incredible periods of time in […]
Vidya Frazier: Experiencing Yourself as Source Love
by Vidya Frazier If you’ve been on a spiritual path for any length of time, it’s really old hat to come across the idea that love is the answer to all problems … or, we should feel love, not fear … or, enough love will heal all wounds. When you hear this kind of […]
Vidya Frazier: Slipping into the New Reality
by Vidya Frazier Have you maybe noticed lately how you’re losing interest in the 3D world around you? Especially how the political events just don’t grab you so much anymore, and the old irritations and hopes about them just aren’t so pronounced as they once were? Maybe, also, the physical world and all the […]
Creating 5D Relationships
by Vidya Frazier One of the many things people are dealing with these days is handling challenges in their relationships. If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve probably been having to face old, painful relationship patterns that are now coming to the surface and causing difficult conflicts and divisions with loved ones, friends […]
Ascension Blahs
by Vidya Frazier Posted on May 10, 2023 by Vidya Frazier The Ascension process can be downright unpleasant at times, especially when a lot of change and loss are rapidly occurring in your life. It can feel as if your whole world is falling apart and nothing will ever feel safe or comfortable again. […]
Awakening Is Happening
by Vidya Frazier It’s an interesting phenomenon: Just a few years back, any mention of the term “5D” was only ever made by a small group of people who were seeing that a momentous shift into greater spiritual awakening was beginning to occur on the planet. Nowadays, everyone’s throwing the term around. Even the […]
Vidya Frazier: Birth of Your New Identity
by Vidya Frazier It seems Ascension is no longer a somewhat challenging process to be experiencing. Somehow, the heat has now been turned up. The crunch is on. If we thought things were getting tough before, we can be amazed at what is now occurring in our lives. The process of shifting into a […]
Vidya Frasier: Creating Your Own 5D Reality
by Vidya Frazier Waiting for humanity to finally shift into 5D can get so discouraging — especially if you’ve been waiting for this event for quite a while and you’ve been excited about it. The world’s continuing chaos and humanity’s sluggish progress in waking up to what’s really happening can make it seem as […]
Vidya Frazer: Marching into March Madness We have barely slipped into March, and it’s as if the world has suddenly jumped onto a much faster timeline, heading into even greater madness. Scary agendas are being implemented. Things we used to think might happen someday are already beginning to happen in different parts of the world — like under-the-skin chips, 15-minute […]
Learning to Love Yourself Unconditionally
by Vidya Frazier If you are weary of all the emotional baggage coming up within you recently – old traumas and unresolved dramas from your past – you can know you’re right in the flow of what is happening for many lightworkers these days. At times, it can feel as if you’re dealing with […]
Is It Ever Going to Get any Better?
by Vidya Frazier This has got to be the question most people on the planet are asking these days. There is so much turmoil occurring all over the world in so many arenas, and so many predictions about dire situations that await us as time goes on, we can’t help but wonder: Can it […]
Have You Recently Jumped onto a New Timeline?
by Vidya Frazier Have you noticed lately that something strange has happened – that you seem to be existing in a reality that is somewhat unfamiliar to you? Maybe nothing much has changed in your external life, but somehow you are experiencing a sense of greater ease and well-being, less inner pressure? More self-love? […]
Vidya Frazier: Resting in the Deep Silence Within
By Vidya Frazier Being able to relax and truly experience peace for any length of time these days is becoming increasingly difficult for most of us. There’s so much craziness occurring in the world. Between threats of food shortages, energy shortages, drought, war, a global financial collapse, strange new illnesses continuing to come on […]