How are we to build Nova Earth? What must we keep in mind as we begin? I’ve taken Archangel Michael’s two discussions with us on An Hour with an Angel and rearranged them to provide us with one continuous discussion of what the Archangels wish us to consider and do with regard to bringing in a world that works for everyone, Nova Earth. I hope this serves a “user’s manual” for creating a world that works.
Taken From:
“An Hour with an Angel, January 21, 2013, with Archangel Michael – Part ½,” at
“Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia – Part 2/2,” January 22, 2013,” at
“Archangel Michael: It is Time to Declare Yourself,” January 29, 2013, at
We Invite You to Build Nova Earth with Us
We Hear that You Don’t Feel Differently
You have abandoned and let go of the reality of the old Third Dimension, and, yes, many of you stride and straddle inter-dimensionally.
[But] many of you say, “Lord, I do not feel different. I do not look different.” And what I suggest to you is that you take a moment with me, with all of us, to reflect back, not to bring it into your being, but simply to reflect back on where you were, where you were thinking, what you were feeling a year ago, four years ago, ten years ago, and to not only be the witness and the observer, but truly see where you have been, the growth that you have chosen, not simply that has been bestowed upon you.
You continue, you know, to be flooded by the energies of the Mother and Father.
We did not stop the flow of those energies. You did not stop the flow from the Company of Heaven, from the Council of Love, from your star brothers and sisters. All of this is continuing. Gaia, in her shift, is also flooding you with the sweetness of being alive, of being in your form, that you have never known before. You may have had moments when you were in a pristine forest or by a lake or an ocean or a cave where you felt this moment of pure blissful connection, but now she is flooding you and this is the new normal.
Yes, there has been love that has been sent to your planet from above, from your galactic brothers and sisters, from the inter-galactics, from below, from Gaia, but all of this has been dependent upon you, upon your heart, your heart opening, the shift to heart consciousness, and the willingness to go forward.
So your inclination to simply stay in this state of connection and the feeling of interconnectedness, not just to the human collective, but to everything, is growing substantially, exponentially, every single day, every single hour.
But Let’s Review What You’ve Accomplished
Do not deny or in any way minimize what you, what each of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, have accomplished, what you have integrated, what you have welcomed into your life. Do not deny or minimize what you are creating, what you are bringing forth.
I have said in our last visit that you have been working on this for some time, and so we do not wish to in any way negate or minimize the work that has already been undertaken — because it has been monumental.
Let us begin by each of you looking in the mirror, whether it is real or etheric, physical, mental, emotional. Look in the mirror and see who you are, the truth of who you are, not simply the image that you have created or the suit of clothes [body] that you have put on for this brief undertaking [this life], and acknowledge the work, the letting go, the clearing, the cleansing, and the works, what you think of as good deeds, as loving acts, as acts of consideration, of kindness, political activism, social activism.
Look at yourself and begin right there by giving yourself the credit that is due, by giving yourself the unwavering love that is your due. Because, sweet angels, you have earned it. And yes, I use that term very specifically, because most of you think of this, this word “earn,” as tied to money, as tied to wealth or abundance.
So when you think, “What have I done to earn abundance, to earn ease, to earn the ability to go forward in ways that I choose and desire and co-create?” think of what you have already accomplished. And in that, we do not want you to dismiss the fact that you are shifting inter-dimensionally, that you, with Gaia, are anchored inter-dimensionally in the 5th, that you are working and demonstrating and assisting the collective of humanity in the 3rd, that you are cleaning up the remnants of the old 3rd. So, begin there, and then let us fly together.
The emphasis on what is resting within and therefore exhibited externally, in your social, political, economic, communal arena is very important. If you do not have regard — and I mean deep, reverent, love, regard, and value — for yourself, for yourself as you are right now in what I call this suit of clothes, regard for the larger you, the eternal you, the infinite you, if you do not start there with love and reverence for yourself, how do you extend it out to others?
Invitation to Build Nova Earth Together.
It is most welcome on this side, as well, to have this opportunity to address this subject. For the building of Nova Earth is also coming from and emanating from the anchoring of your inter-dimensional, multi-dimensional nova being.
So your desire in that is why we are having this conversation today, to truly get busy, and creating Nova Earth has begun to expand. That desire to see the reflection of what is truly within you in an external, large, grand manner, is becoming almost a drive, not a compulsion, but an instinctual drive. It is as if you are seeking true north and you have your compass set and you are not veering off course.
It matters not what you call yourselves, whether it is wayshowers or pillars or gatekeepers or lightholders or loveholders. You are the creator race and you step into the fullness of that role. It is not something new. If anything, it is something ancient. It is that closing of the circle and the beginning of the new.
I invite you, I hold out my arms to you as do all the mighty ones [archangels], all the ascended masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, we hold out our arms to you and say, please, join with us now in partnership.
I welcome you to this new chapter, this new book, this new adventure.
How do We Build Nova Earth?
I would be honored and humbled to discuss the building of Nova Earth. And, as I do so, I also wish you to know that I speak for the collective, for what you think of as the Council of Love, as the Company of Heaven, for your star brothers and sisters and so many more.
So often we refer to you as the collective, but as you well know, we are a collective as well, and there are times — and this is one of them — when we speak as a collective. Now, normally it is my beloved sister, Gabrielle, who speaks for the collective, so I am honored to do so.
This is the beginning of a new chapter, but it is not a day of revolution. And that is really what you are talking about. You are talking about the old paradigm of revolution, of the potential for bloody upheaval, for armed massacre. That is not the way of the Fifth Dimension, and it most certainly is not the way of the Seventh Dimension.
Are there plans to correct some of the political, economic, and social injustices, inequities? Yes. And you will hear about some of those today. But it is not the day where all mayhem will break loose. It is a day where there is a line in the sand, but it is also a day of celebration.
I know I am giving you a global overview; and we will spend many hours talking about the specifics.
Letting Go of the Old
The first steps in creating and bringing to the forefront what you and we think of as Nova Earth, and anchoring as Nova Earth is the shift in the internal, in your spirit, in your soul, in your emotional body, in your mental body, in your causal, your astral — you name it. And what you are doing is you are changing… The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go that you are doing — and have done and have been doing — of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race.
So all of those tendencies… and I have to say the letting go of war — and that is war within, it is war between individuals, it is war within communities and nations — that is critical. And what you are doing is letting go of all those belief systems that have never served you.
Oh, you can say to me, “But, dear Michael, there have been times when conflict has catapulted me forward, when lack has made me create.” And what I am saying to thee, what we are saying to thee, there are better ways. There are more efficient ways. And there are certainly easier ways.
So, the first element of Nova Earth is the complete eradication of the old. Now, let us suggest to you that much has been done. The last decades, and certainly the last two years, have not been for naught. You have let go and cleansed so much, to the point where your generosity has shone not only to us but throughout the galaxies and all over the planet. But it is the elimination, until it is a vague memory, the way it is in so many of the other galaxies.
Now, the memory of war — and we use that in the organic, generic term — will never completely fade. And the reason being, so that you will not revert to it; that it will be such a horrific memory — no, not one that hurts — but simply something that you know at all costs must be avoided.
Really, what is the material world? Most of it is an illusion anyway. It is simply a collection of atoms, of energy, that you are formulating into what you believe is solid form.
Institutions do not have solid form. Belief systems do not have solid form. They appear, and you come to believe that they do, but they do not. You can build edifices, office buildings, institutional buildings to represent and house these belief systems, but the institutions, the systems themselves, do not have solid form.
So, what do they have? They have the qualities. And many of them are disintegrating, even as we speak this night, because the qualities that have formed many of your old-Third, old-Earth institutions, have been based on illusions that you no longer serve to incorporate — control and lack, all the dis-es — disease, disappointment, despair.
And subtly what that translates into is a feeling that somehow you have failed, that you are not worthy, that we have forgotten you, and that there is separation — all not only incorrect, but untrue.
If you hear one thing I communicate to you this day, it is to please let go of that. Cleanse your being of that.
Use the law of elimination, dear heart. This is something that Sanat Kumara has not talked of very frequently in the old days, in the past. But now it is time to bring this and anchor this law firmly within you.
I bring you release from whatever you desire to let go of, for this is the time and the opportunity to simply pass onto me this weight, this burden, anything that is not of joy, of love, of sweetness, of kindness and consideration. Yes, I am the warrior of peace. I am the archangel of love.
Long ago, I gave you my sword and shield, and you have used these in a multitude of ways. But it is also useful to simply use it to disconnect, to cut the cords to old beliefs, to old pains, old hurts, old injuries. And I am pleased during this time together, this night and every night, to assist you in this undertaking.
Mastering the Divine Qualities
You may tire of hearing me say this. That does not matter. We are going to continue anyway, by saying that the beginning, the middle and the end of creating Nova Earth is the incorporation of these [divine] qualities within you. So, throughout your day, throughout your hours of waking and sleeping, you are asking yourself, “Am I feeling, am I experiencing, does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance, prudence, joy?”
The creation of Nova Earth comes with the kind, considerate, what you consider Divine, qualities, what this channel has called blessings and virtues. It comes with the anchoring of those qualities not only within thee, but in every interaction — in the microcosm, within and without, in the macrocosm.
And if it doesn’t, and you are doing this until it is absolutely second nature, if it doesn’t feel that way, you can take a moment and say, “Well, what does it feel like? Is it simply the old coming up for release? Is it an ancient vasana? Is it somebody else’s energy from the collective that I am helping to heal and cleanse?”
You can briefly identify, if you so choose — and I say that, it is in the choice, it is not in the necessity to identify, because quite frankly if it is not of the divine qualities, if it is not of the umbrella of love, then there is absolutely no point in spending one more moment on it. But the human nature is such, is still at this point, that you like to understand what you are up to, so go ahead. But use my blue flame of truth when you are doing so, please. Because I am honored and pleased to help you in this way.
You are giving of your time and energy to actions that actually result in a shift in how people feel, because you are carrying — and practicing — and incorporating into the groups the divine qualities.
Then it extends person to person to person to person. You cannot be unkind, cruel, inconsiderate, dismissive, arrogant or trying to control another in any form of personal, inter-personal relationship, including yourself, and then say, externally, “How am I building Nova Earth?” because it does not work. That is the foundation. It is the pillars. It is the bedrock. And it is getting easier and easier.
How do you in any way shape or form, pretend, or extend yourself in ways that are meaningful and solid? Because what we are discussing in terms of building and anchoring Nova Earth is firmness, not simply a passing trend or a flight of fancy. We are talking about the bedrock shift and change of what this planet is, does, exhibits, experiences, and how that is reflected through and with Gaia in you, in each of you.
As you know, as you have written, as you have shared, as you have heard from us, if you focus on the blessings and virtues, if you focus on the divine qualities, then you are ensuring and becoming the truth of what you wish to experience and co-create in what you think of — and I emphasize the word “think” — as the material world.
It is the alignment that has always been the plan. Yes, it is your marching orders until the end of time, until such time as you merge back into the One. And let us suggest to you… no, let us share with you … you do not anchor divine qualities in a couple of months. Think of how long the old 3rd and how solidified those illusions were. So one of the watchwords that you are incorporating into your daily life is gentleness, kindness, consideration. Because it is not achieved — “Now I am going to be the embodiment of the divine qualities.” But I have even better news than that.
Each of those divine qualities never ceases growing and expanding, both within you and as it expands within you, within your planet, upon your planet, and also within your planet, and within your galaxy, and within your universe. So the ripple effect is infinite.
So, for example, if you are choosing joy, you do not say, “On Thursday, the second week of February, I have anchored my joy.” No, that is not how it works. When you anchor joy, we will celebrate with you, and the rainbows will be in the sky and around the moon. But it will continue to expand.
So not only are your anchoring the divine qualities and showing what it looks like, how it operates, how it constructs into form, you are also gathering these teachings of the how-to in terms of practicality to share with other civilizations, that came both before and after you, by the way. Because, do not forget that time is simply a construct within which you are operating.
Extend Freedom and Share Power
How can there be oppressive regimes? And I include the western world in this. How can there be exclusion, when all are united in heart, when those who wish their opinions to be heard, their priorities to be counted, their desires for participation to be included? Yes, it means a change of heart for those who wield power, which is a very small percentage of global population…. But how does that change of heart take place? Well, it takes place in a number of ways.
But if the collective is saying, “Share. Let me participate. Let me be free. I demand my freedom,” at the same time as those who are in power, who have wielded power — and we are not just talking about those in containment; that is a whole other, separate discussion; and yes, they are still in containment; and no, it is not a whimsy or a fantasy; that would be ridiculous — those in power are also having a change of heart.
How is this occurring? Because the energy upon your planet, not only within you, but upon the planet, Gaia herself, is shifting, so that there is a different longing, a different desire, so that their focus is no longer on holding onto what they’ve got, so there is an easing and saying, “Yes, I think it is a good idea that there is broader participation.”
No, not everybody has any desire to participate in what you think of as the political process. And at the same time, what I suggest to you in the anchoring of my peace initiative is that in so many ways everything is political, the same way everything is economic. So there are shifts taking place on every level.
Now, you say to me, “Okay, how does that reflect in the outer world?” Let us use the example, well, of the cities of light. Let us use the example of your galactic brothers and sisters. Let us use the example of architecture.
When there is a vision of access, of sharing, of beauty, of grace, then what you choose to build are not stone edifices that keep people at bay. Cities shift. And the term, even of what you think of as a city, which has become fairly unmanageable, in human or divine terms, become places of gathering, of welcoming, of accessibility, so that those who construct, design, who participate, who gather in the cities, whether it is for a place of healing or commerce — commerce takes on a different meaning — they become places that are welcoming rather than exclusionary.
Let us speak to the formulation and the foundation of power. And we do not mean power in the sense that it has been used, as control scenarios. We mean power in the sense of an individual, and therefore group, or a large collective, assuming a pathway. And it is a pathway of freedom, it is a pathway of self-determination, and it is pathway and a way of life, of existence, that is based on those divine qualities.
Now, you have some of the platforms, and for this I thank you.
Are there needs for the platforms, and particularly this one, to continue? It is seldom that I am at a loss for words, but we really don’t know what we would do without this platform. And that is why we encourage you, and we request you, in the spirit of equality and partnership, to please continue on. You are serving, but you are also creating with us.
You have the technology within which to communicate. You have your social networks. Now, I do not criticize the back-and-forthing, the games that are played, for that is a way in which to play together, to communicate. But can I suggest that you start to eliminate criticism, debasing? Share what is uplifting.
Do not underestimate social media. This is a, well, the entire internet has been a gift, as you well know, from your star brothers and sisters. And it is modeled upon the universal internet, which is a system of communication throughout the multiverse. So that is one thing we encourage you to do.
Now, there is a fine balance between becoming into addiction or obsession with the internet and social media. So it is meaningful excursion into the internet and social media, much the way your platform does, but there are other ways in which you can begin to declare yourself.
For example, many of you are on such social platforms such as Facebook, and you use it to share pictures of your children, your dog, your house, your flowers, news of the day. But are you also declaring what you believe to be true? Are you declaring that this is an opportunity for change or sharing just some of the subtle changes you are feeling within yourself? “I am feeling different today. I don’t know, but I feel the planet is shifting. Love is becoming more important to me than ever. Relationships and kindness and sharing is becoming more important.”
That type of statement touches the hearts of thousands and then millions. The same thing with media like YouTube, videos, radio shows. But choose your platform. Some of you — actually, many of you — are uniquely positioned to be politically involved. Now, some of you will choose to become involved on a grassroots level or a national level or a county level — it matters not — within your own political situation in your own country. You are not there to play the game as is, because, think of it, that is simply a bubble that is about to be pricked and blown apart.
[There is a] need for conferences, for gatherings, for people of all realms to come together, not just with the intellect, not just with the information, but with the heart.
It is time for the best and the brightest — and we are not meaning just those who have been identified by former regimes as the best and the brightest — but it is time for the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?
Begin the communication. Expand the communication.
Create Community
The wondrous thing about community is that it has been completely redefined on your planet in the past several years. Yes, there is the community of your neighborhood, of the building within which you live, of the block within which you live, but community has also taken on completely broader terms because community is now global.
Build your communities globally. You have had tastes of what is possible, with the Occupy movements, with Arab Spring, with many institutions that are in place to assist those in need.
Now, do they need to be cleaned up? Yes. And can you do that? Yes. You do not need to reinvent the wheel. What you need to do is perhaps clean up the wheel, and put in a few new spokes, and fill the tires.
Become involved in your community, whether it is in a community garden, in a community action group; whether it is bringing together singers who are interested — and we do not mean simply scientists — who are interested in the issue of free energy.
You are there to anchor the new, the new ideas, the new paradigms, the new emphasis on the building of community and voice for the community, of priorities for sharing and equality, the elimination of homelessness, for example. And social welfare programs that keep everybody trapped in poverty.
Some of you are uniquely prepared and positioned to begin to work in education, and it can be education in the newest sense of the word, of working with the new children of Earth, or education in the traditional sense. But again, when you are going into those platforms you are bringing not only your light, which is significant — it is bigger than ever before — but you are also bringing your change in attitude, information and positioning.
Now, may some people pooh-pooh you and dismiss you? Yes. It matters not. Keep going. Involve yourself in movements such as Occupy. Involve yourself in Action Now. Involve yourself, whether it is a community action group, a community board, even some of the faith-based churches, because if that is your venue, that is where you have chosen to present, then so be it. Because what people think of as religion over the next couple of years is going to shift significantly in terms of faith, in terms of belief. Because the religious factions and the tie to political control is dissipating and disappearing. And that is my job, and it is the job of those of you who are working with me.
Collaborate with Your Star Brothers and Sisters
There are many among you who are in very active collaboration with your star brothers and sisters. Why are you not coming together and sharing what you are learning? And I do not simply mean about the technology or the play, I mean about the vibration that is required for you to actually come and conjoin.
Now, I do not need to speak to you at all of the night work that we do together, because all of you are lined up and eager and have been completely available to me, to Gabrielle, to Raphael. Some of you are spending a great deal of time knowing and unknowing on board ship, working with the evolution of new technology, and what we would call clean technology. Some of you are absolutely keen to emerge into the field of exploring, sitting on test groups for free energy. Do so.
Your cities of light are at hand — cities that were once 80,000 years in the future. This is why I say to you, you have been creating Nova Earth, and co-creating it, with us, with your star brothers and sisters, and you have been pulling those cities closer and closer, because you are ready.
The vibration with your star brothers and sisters — which, by the way, is not simply the Fifth Dimension; but that, again, is a different conversation; there is so much to talk about — but that vibration more and more and more is compatible because you are not carrying that debris. You are coming into the full partnership, yes, but you are also coming into the fullness of your being. And I mean each and every one of you, and who you are, who you are claiming, who you are becoming.
What is Gaia Doing?
Now, Gaia herself is addressing many of what you think of as the physical aspects of Nova Earth, of the restoration. She has not done so, and she will not do so violently. Now, that does not mean that there are not climatic changes, that there are not slight shifts in shorelines, for she is not stagnant. She is vibrant and alive. Of course she shifts.
All Will Not be Easy
And I do not mean that everything is easy. Is every step smooth? No. Heaven and Earth knows what you have decided to construct, and what you have already seen and done we would never term as easy. So, are there moments where you feel befuddled, confused? But that is when you return to your heart, to your core, to us, and to each other, and you receive the support and the love.
But more and more what you are finding as co-creators, as the creator race, that these obstacles and this debris within and without — because there is clean-up on the outside; that is most definitely certain — that these obstacles become less and less and less.
So when you feel that you have had such significant challenges, and, my beloved friends, you have had them, in your heart, in your mind, in your emotional field, and you have cried in the night, and you have searched your soul, and you have said, still, “No, I choose to go forward, and I choose love.” Not because it is the easiest path, but because it is the only path. It is the path of peace, and it is the path of fulfillment.
What Must be Remembered
The biggest piece right now that you are engaging in is the practice of discernment, the quality of discernment, as completely divorced from judgment.
Your reputation, as you think of it, the only reputation that counts for anything is your reputation throughout heaven, your reputation and your standing with the Mother. And that has always been golden. It cannot be otherwise. But yes, when you attach to this Earthly old need to look good, to have the accoutrements of what society has told you that you want, that you desire, that you need to achieve, then what you are doing is attaching to something that is a false illusion.
Let us also suggest to you — and I suggest to each of you who are listening as well — you have been tested. Now, each time you have been tested, and you have continued on, it is an act of faith, it is an act of trust, and it is an act of pure stubbornness, that, no matter what, you will do this, because your soul demands it.
These are not simply tests that Heaven has sent out for you, that the Company has devised. These are also things that you have created, in concert with each other, with yourself, with your Higher Self, and yes, sometimes with us. And you have passed these tests with flying colors.
And there are many, many different kinds of tests — yes, reputation, wealth, health, security, relationships. And those of you who have chosen, because of your choice, your soul purpose, your mission, your makeup, to be somewhat in the more public arena, shall we say, when you go through these trials and tribulations, there is no one that you can speak to as you construct Nova Earth, and they say, “Yes, but what about…?” You can say to them, quite honestly, “Yes, I have been there. I have been through that. I have weathered the storm, and here I am.”
And so we continue on. It is about detachment. Again, not one of the more popular words. But it is about detaching from expectations and attaching to the only reality that is truth, and that is the love and the unfoldment of love and the anchoring into form, during this lifetime upon your planet, upon this magnificent Gaia. Because the lessons, the teachings, the experience that you are gathering and garnering are also the template throughout the multiverse.
[Remain in alignment.] Alignment is just that. And it isn’t saying, “Well, I am not having a good day, so today I am not in alignment. Today I am not in joy.” It is claiming and breathing and living your joy, no matter what, every single day, every moment, and not accepting anything else. We don’t.
It cannot be a zigzag line. Yes, it is a spiral, but think of going up the center of the spiral.
Everything Must Be Done with Love
Repeatedly, we have said to you, it is not of love, if it is not of joy, don’t do it. It is a very simple test. It is a very simple litmus test. If it does not make your heart sing….
If the heart is not present, if the love is not present, there is no Nova Earth. So if the love is not present, the creation is a false illusion. It is a deck of cards that is blown away by the wind. The bedrock is your spirit, your soul, your heart, your intentions, and yes, your actions.
The creation of what you are doing has need to be loving, joyful and reflective not only of what you want, but of what sings the praises of Gaia, that is so deeply respectful of this mighty one who holds you, that is in harmony and alignment.
You have talked about bliss, my friend, and bliss is a state of being. But it’s a state of being that will expand and expand until you are simply and fully what was always intended, the heart consciousness.
Yes, you are learning, you are remembering, you are inventing what this new realm of partnership truly entails. There is room for maneuvering. There is room for you to think and re-think, feel and re-feel, fill and re-fill, design and re-design who you are, but also who you are in terms of your plan, in terms of the Divine Plan, and in terms of your role in bringing forth the fulfillment of Nova Earth and Nova Being.
Gather with Us When You Feel Pain
Are there times when we have looked and felt the pain of each of you, of your planet, of your hearts, how distraught you are? Yes. And so you would say to me, “Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael, what do you do when you feel this?” And the answer is, we gather, and we gather in the heart of the Mother until such pain — which is much greater than yours; different, but greater — until it simply dissolves.
And you say, “Well, I did not know you experience pain or distress.” It is not the same as yours, because, yes, we are gifted and we are blessed, because we have the bigger picture. But do not think, dear ones, that when in the past we have seen bombs drop and children mutilated that it does not cause distress.
So when you feel this, can you gather together? Can you gather with us? You, in the past — and you will hear me say this again and again and again — you have come to a place where you have felt the distraught, disappointment, disillusionment, sorrow, grief — many of the “disses” — are personal. Now, some of you have broken through that. And yes, Sananda and I have heard this very clearly. But many of you still have this attachment to thinking it is private, that it it something that must be processed quietly, discretely, and alone, as if it is something within you that you need to take care of.
When you share your tears, your questions, your doubts, what you are doing is letting it out. And you are giving it back. And it can be completely transmuted and returned to you as a bright, shiny, effervescent light that lifts you up and that gives you and awakens within you the energy to create and to co-create Nova Earth.
What is Happening with NESARA?
Of course there are politics involved in NESARA and pre-NESARA. But the biggest blockage is the opening of the hearts of the entire collective in saying, “I deserve and demand my birthright of abundance.” You do not live in a universe or a planet where there is lack. And this is a key component to what we are discussing.
It is absolutely not only top down — the game has changed, my friends — but it is also the bottom up and the middle sideways, and your very individual, personal recognition that you can create and call into being, whether it is pre-NESARA, NESARA, the trust funds — all of it.
So what we are saying, in fact, there is no blockage. Yes, we know this is not a popular response because it is very easy to look at something outside of yourself. No, this is not about fault, blame, guilt. That is of the old Third. So you cannot go there.
So what I am saying, the collective that listens to this tonight, call it forward. Call it from the ethers, call it from Washington, call it from Geneva, call it from the International Monetary Fund. Call it from Gaia herself, the riches of gold, call what you deserve, and what you have always, always been worthy of.
And in that calling forth, what you do, you are like a bulldozer breaking through political intrigue and blockage. Will we help? Absolutely. But we wish to do this with you, right now.
How Do We Build Nova Earth without Financial Resources?
First, let us back up and talk about your puzzlement, about your query, which I do not wish to dismiss, because it is one of the most important questions that has ever been posed. But I also wish to say to you, to you, dear Steve, to you, dear Graham, to this platform that you have built, constructed, manned and sustained [Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, and the Hope Chest], and, might I say, without money, that you have been building Nova Earth, that you have been pulling in the new reality of Gaia and everybody and everything, every rock, every stone, every tree, every mountain upon her.
You say, “But Lord, I do not have money.” And we acknowledge and accept that. Do not think that we are ruthless and do not know the struggles that you have been feeling? But what we also say to you is you are a living, breathing example, leader, demonstrator of incorporating the Divine qualities, and the trust, without money, because it is not dependent on money.
The belief — and this is why there is what you think of as lack of financial support, and that will come forward — but the belief that you cannot do something because you do not have money is being eradicated.
What you are doing is breaking through that belief system to the belief system and the knowing, the anchoring that the abundance of Gaia, of all her wealth, of all her resources and far beyond, is absolutely available to you. So the hindrance of what you have thought of as external support — because most of you think of money and finances as external support — you are breaking through that.
Money, abundance is the reflection, the outcome, part of the generosity that emerges from that love and trust and sharing and prudence and temperance — and patience.
Now, we know — and I particularly know — that these are not particularly popular qualities, are they? But as you anchor these qualities, it is reflected; it is reflected in economics. Let me explain.
Not only does the spirit of sharing, of generosity, of caring, of consideration expand. The belief system – that some have the key and some do not; that some have chosen to live and die in poverty and some have not – disappears, so that there is this burning desire to share what one has. And that shifts. It shifts institutions, it shifts markets, it shifts neighborhoods and it shifts families. Similarly, it shifts power structures, what you think of as political structures.
Nova Earth is a joint project. As you proceed, no matter what, the money will come. Simply claim your abundance. It is right there on the table.
You Will Feel a Shift in What You Want to Do
But what I do suggest to you is during this time of shift, and during this time of transition, that many of you, if you have not already experienced it, you will experience a significant shift in what it is you want to do. And even if you are returning to the same job, the same occupation that you have done for 20 years, your feeling about how you are going about it and what it is you are truly doing and accomplishing is shifting.
Many of you are also going to begin to have new ambitions. You want to completely change what it is you are doing, not only internally, or not even inter-personally, in a private situation, but what you are doing in the outer world. You may well feel very disconnected from what you have done in the past. Do not ignore or minimize those feelings, those inspirations, those inclinations, because that is not only this side, but your own soul self inspiring you to move more clearly in alignment with your mission and purpose.
So, for some of you it is doing what you have done in the past in a more vociferous, clear… abundant manner. And then for some of you what it is is starting entirely new ventures.
Now, if you take a moment and reflect back on other lifetimes, other realities, even other planetary situations, you have done that before. There is no need to repeat, because it has only ended in misery, sadness, pain and hurt for yourself and others.
Very often, in human interactions, regardless of what the setting, it is fraught with control, political intrigue, desire to destroy in a very negative way, desire to control other people’s thoughts and actions, and to minimize yourself, to present yourself in ways that you have come to believe are acceptable to those that you are in association with, whether it is your family, your partner, your neighborhood or your place of work.
That minimizing has need to absolutely halt today. You, each of you, are massive, enormous souls, beings of energy who have come to Earth during this time of change simply for that reason, to be part and catalyst and agents — and angels — of change. So if you do not participate and demonstrate and embody the change, then you are denying who you are. You are cheating yourself of the very experience you came to Earth to have.
So often, when people have spoken up, for example, and said, “It is not right in terms of universal law that wealth should be concentrated in the hands of a few who manipulate the masses. It is not right that people in Africa starve. Therefore, I am going to put my energy there.”
But it is in the speaking, also, of that knowing. That is not just a belief system, that is a knowing of the divine plan. That is why it feels like anathema to you, because you know it is not of alignment. So what you are attaching to, if anything, is the divine plan, divine mind, heart, will, One. And you are detaching from everything else.
How Do We Begin?
You say to me, “Michael, how do I begin?” And what I suggest to you, and I do not simply mean you of the Golden Age or of InLight Radio, but each of you, my beloved friends, my brothers and sisters of light, what I say to each of you is you have begun already building your platform within which you will operate to participate fully in the creation of Nova Earth. It means taking action.
And for so many of you — and I do not say this in any way, you cannot construe what I say in anything but love — but many of you have been exceptionally reticent to step forward into what you would think of as action, public or private. You say to me, “But, Lord, of course we are reticent. We had said time and time to our friends, to our families, that this or that will happen. Have you forgotten December 21st, 2012?
There are many who simply look at us as if we are sadly mistaken and are from a different planetary system.”
Well, in fact, most of you are. And what I say to you is, yes, these are obstacles, these are debris, these are fears. It is the fear of stepping forward and declaring yourself and being left open to criticism, ridicule, disappointment, and dare I say the fear of failure. All of that, my beloved friends, has need to go. And that is where I have started this day, by saying, give it to me, give it to Raphael, give it to St. Germain, give it to the Mother, give it to Jeshua, give it to your guides, but let it go.
And why do you let it go? Because it is not kind or loving to yourself. So we are asking you in creating Nova Earth to step forward in concrete, visible, meaningful ways. Now, what does that mean? Well, I will tell you what it does not mean. We are not asking you to walk the plank. But we are asking, requesting, and yes, offering, assisting, that you shine your light continually, daily, visibly. And it does not matter, the venue that you choose, because that is unique to your soul purpose, your choices, your journey.
It is time to declare yourself. That is the biggest stepping forward to create Nova Earth. And what does it mean to declare yourself? What does it mean in practical terms? Yes, I can be a very practical archangel. It does not mean that you have need to declare yourself, that you speak to your guides and angels and archangels on a regular basis. It does not mean that you have need to declare yourself that you know and visit with your star brothers and sisters on a regular basis. But what does it mean? That you start to act and speak the words, the actions of love.
So you are stepping into new rules. You are stepping forward as the agents of radical change. You are stepping forward as the agents of focused intention and action. So that everything — and yes, practice does make perfect — everything you do is in alignment with who you are and with One.
Now, I can hear you — and I can hear many of you — say, “Michael, help! I don’t know if I can do that. I don’t know if I have the wherewithal to do that.” Of course we will help. It is our purpose, our joy, and our commitment, our sacred promise not only to the Mother but to each of you, that we will help. But do not tarry. Do not stop. Because this is a process, and it is a process of significant change.
Do not think… I hear you shaking your head. I see you at home this night shaking your head and saying, “But, Michael, that will take years.” No, my friends. Do not forget that within this the shift is underway.
Humanity is changing. And when you ignite that spark within that, what you are truly doing is fulfilling your role as pillar, as wayshower, as gatekeeper, as teacher, as healer, as channel. So do not, please, put the constraint of time upon this change. It does not need, nor is it planned, to be lengthy.
So, choose your area, or your areas, that you wish to address and get going. And then come together in collaboration and in groups to deal with any issues that are coming forth that need to be eliminated, eradicated.
Take a step this week — if you like, I will go with you — not next month, not when spring comes, but this week.
Perhaps it is objecting to yet another highway, or the construction of an ugly building, or pay raises for municipal officials when people are living on the streets. These are practical things, my beloved angels, my agents of change, that you can do. Will you win every battle? No, but will your energy and your voice be heard and act as that seed and catalyst for change? Yes. That is not a dream. That is a promise.
And you say, “Why now? I marched in the sixties, the seventies, the eighties, the nineties.” And I say, “Why now? Because Gaia and the energy of your planet has changed. And so the humans, conscious or not, are ready for these changes. But they will not know that unless you step forward and help them.
Join with me. Choose just one thing that you are going to go public on, and make it within your realm of comfort, but pushing the edges, and know you are so supported in this, because this is your piece, your first steps in creating Nova Earth.
“An Hour with an Angel, January 21, 2013, with Archangel Michael – Part ½,” at
“Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia – Part 2/2,” January 22, 2013,” at
“Archangel Michael: It is Time to Declare Yourself,” January 29, 2013, at