I had a profound experience yesterday, which arose out of a mischievous thought I had in which Sanat Kumara parted the curtains like the Wizard of Oz and said: “OK, it was all a dream. Time to wake up, you lot, and go home.”
And I suddenly said to myself: “What a dream!”
What a remarkable dream we’re having together – and have been having, well, for some people perhaps since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.
We’ve been dreaming of coming out from under the grip of the planet’s controllers. We’ve been dreaming of ending financial tyranny on the planet. We’ve been dreaming of bringing prosperity to all, making peace prevail everywhere on the planet, ending hunger, disease, and homelessness, bringing harmony to the world’s faiths, coming together as one!
What a totally-remarkable dream!
If I woke up tomorrow, I think I’d want this dream more than anything else in the world!
You could take the boy out of the dream but you wouldn’t be able to take the dream out of the boy. Before long, you wouldn’t be able to remove it from me for all the tea in China – or dinars in Iraq.
What was “their” dream (1) has become my dream. And even if all of this amounted to only a dream from which we all woke up, I can’t say that every moment I’ve spent dreaming this dream hasn’t been absolutely incredibly and remarkably spent.
This is my dream now. If all the galactics went back to their home planets and left this place a parking lot, I’d still thirst for this dream!
Actually dreams do get forgotten – rather easily. We’ve lived with broken dreams, all our lives, many of us.
But some dreams have a life of their own and are incredibly persistent and rugged. Dreams like a world that works, a world at peace, a world free of hunger.
And possessed by a love of that dream, we call it into reality through our hunger for it, through the Law of Attraction.
I know I am not the man I was. And tomorrow I will not be this man either. And all because of this dream.
This is the right kind of dream to be dreaming. Exactly the right kind of dream.
I am so moved by this dream. So touched by it. So inspired.
Krishnamurti spoke of it in much broader terms than just the part of it that relates to this Ascension and everything (like NESARA) that goes along with it:
“God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a man has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (2)
Just as Ascension is beautiful and gorgeous, the whole of God’s Plan shows countless Ascensions and their outcome as well, leading back to the One.
What could be more beautiful and gorgeous? This dream is part of a whole dream repertoire and all of it has captured me. Hopelessly.
Gone, gone, all the way gone. Gone to the other side, bodhi swaha. (3)
(1) The dream of the Company of Heaven, the dream put out in all their channeled messages.
(2) Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910, 17.
(3) “Gate, gate, paragate. Parasamgate, bodhi swaha.” The Buddha in the Heart of the Great Wisdom Sutra. Bodhi swaha = Oh, what an awakening! or This is enlightenment!