I had occasion to test drive my new me after having dropped three core issues in as many months.
Someone sent me along an attack on channelers by a person who suffered at the hands of the Illuminati. She now includes all channelers, ascended masters, angels and archangels in the same basket as Lucifer.
In the past what I’d do with these attacks was to publicly source the vasanas (reaction patterns based on traumatic past incidents) they raised. But they don’t raise vasanas any more. That seemed a good validation that the cleansing of the core issues has proved permanent.
However the attack did send me into philosophical reflection.
I noticed that, to make war (in this case, a light war), it’s essential to take one action after another after another. In fact, war cannot be maintained without constant action and reaction.
One has to manufacture the guns and shells, get them to the front, fire them, prevent them from being knocked out, and so on and so forth.
Peace, on the other hand, requires no maintenance. When the guns of war fall silent, as they always do at some point, we’re left with peace.
Peace is inevitable; war is not. In fact peace is absolutely unavoidable.
Peace is the default of life, the condition to which all things return. Peace is one of the divine attributes of God.
The vasanas being gone, there isn’t a lot of fight left in me. I can’t even seem to generate even a little righteous indignation.
If the attack on channelers were true, what good would it do to refute it? If it’s not, why waste time on it? Reacting seems only to feed the propensity for war.
Witness the popularity of a vast array of law-and-order TV programs that focus on a domestic or international “terrorism” that the government itself created. When peace arrives, we may miss the roller coaster of emotion that the “action”programs provided.
Something else may have to be put in its place and that something else is a bigger purpose, a more challenging project, vaster dreams, larger commitments. For lightworkers that larger purpose will probably be building Nova Earth, a new society free of prejudice, inequity, hatred and war.
Ironically enough, building Nova Earth furnished one of the grounds for the new attacks being mounted. It was said that the call to build a new world really represented a call for a new version of a “New World Order.”
It was implied that the call for global unity and unitive consciousness was really a newer version of the lock-step servitude that a new cabal wanted to foist upon an unsuspecting world, that the discussions of group souls, collective consciousness, etc., were really calls for subjugation and a new conformity led by a new elite, etc.
I imagine that the Ascension energies will take care of the new illusions being promoted just as they have the old. But it was a useful exercise for me to see that the cleansing taking place these days is, thankfully, permanent.