by Nicky Hamid
You are in. You have chosen to make 5th dimensional frequency “available to you right NOW. “Heaven on Earth” is Here.
Every one of you has available the great Light of Christed Soul Self present glowing within YOU. And your realisation of this that you are, is the “becoming” of your Shining and your Sharing which is the radiant Glow of HUman in Unity, in non-separation.
So what was spoken of (in the old paradigm) as “The Day of Judgement” is here. But as with everything of this Shift from 3rd to 5th dimensional awareness it all gets turned on its head. It is the day when you make YOUR ‘JUDGEMENT CALL …… .Your CHOICE…. INTO LIGHT OR REMAIN IN THE SHADOWS.
Whether you decide once and for all to step from your loop patterns of who you are not or continue to allow the knife to be turned in your own wounds.
Your Being, Your Soul, and Your HUman Consciousness has made the call as one, and your huge Spirit Company of Heaven Knows from the beginning of your conscious call. You have been, and are, supported every step of your way.
And you cannot say you didn’t know. BECAUSE YOU DO. It is YOUR CALL.
And there is no judgement here. You are LOVED no matter what you choose for yourself.
In the 3rd (Christian/Judeo version) it was “standing at the “pearly gates” awaiting the judgment of your worthiness from some other creator being. And in journeying through the 3rd we applied judgement to everything but especially to ourselves.
So now you are at a point that you cannot “enter” (go deeper within yourself) and allow the Christed Light of you to radiate, where you hold judgements (of worth) of YOU in any way, shape, or form.
In other words the “The Day of Judgement” becomes the Day (moment) you drop judgement of the unworthiness of being HUman and rightfully acknowledge that you ARE CREATOR, and of freewill align with CREATOR BEING.
The Day (each day) you go within and clear (shadow) through observation, realization, and Lovingness, align with the LIGHT (frequencies) of Self (5th dimensional and beyond, if you will), you radiate more of that LIGHT of BEING that you are.
Judgement of worth/worthiness of yourself, or anyone else, Is the last thing to go before you can fully embody 5th dimensional Beingness.
Beautifully, our journey gets clearer and clearer as we get nearer and nearer because everything in our experience conspires to point us to the discomfort in the presence of self-judgement, and the joy of freedom as we release through stepping back into Heart and simply Loving all that is HUman in our experience and expression.
And so we get to know that whatever we experience “without” we have created to point “our way” to greater, expanded, Radiant Self.
And in this knowing of Shine we cannot help but share as the “I” becomes so beautifully, naturally “WE”.
WE So Love You