I’d call engineering massive hurricanes covering a number of states, killing thousands of citizens and devastating the land, an act of war.
If it turns out that the deep state’s own AI (Alexa) just tripped them up, I’m not going to turn a blind eye to what was mistakenly revealed. (1)
Nor to symbolism. Was Helene not a moon of Saturn? And do Satanists not associate Saturn with Satan?
And did not John Milton (perhaps being referred to by Hurricane Milton?) write Paradise Lost?
Remember that it’s my conviction that there will be no nuclear war and no world war. (2) But weather warfare is still a form of warfare.
I can’t see how President Trump and the Global White Hat Military Alliance can abide this attack on the American southeast.
I saw the mainstream media reporting it as if it was just a strong storm. If FEMA hadn’t behaved so criminally and so many people used social media to convey what was happening, this may have been brushed off as another unfortunate incident that, as Biden said, the government was taking care of.
Call it what you will – a quiet war, a hidden war, an undeclared war. First Paradise CA; then Lahaina HI; and now this.
I think, in the run-up to the election, which I don’t think will be held, the white hats have speeded up the dark hats with all their arrests and by seeming now to promise to disclose Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy’s client lists.
I don’t think the elections will happen because they’ll need to be re-run with the advent of NESARA. And because the electoral process in the United States is so corrupt as to make the current process unworkable.
And, lastly, because the EBS and ten days of broadcasts will probably intervene and see the Biden-Harris administration swept aside. I think new elections will be unavoidable.
I speculate that the dark ones are unleashing their worst weapons now, showing us how far they’ll go to prevent their downfall and control the planet. I expect more of the same but worse as the atmosphere intensifies in the 27 days left before Nov. 5.
(1) See “Was Hurricane Helene Designed to Reduce the Amount Paid out in Compensation?” October 10, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=358615.
(2) See There Will be No Nuclear War for the World and Our Family from the Stars. Our star family are neutralizing the use of nuclear weapons and preventing a world conflagration.