Louis Conte, Headlines Editor of The Kennedy Beacon wrote:
“On September 29, 2024, at high noon, a bipartisan cross-section of our nation’s most authentic leaders will gather in Washington, D.C., on the sacred grounds between the WWII Memorial and the Washington Monument. They will rally and say with one voice, “We will not comply with tyranny! We will rescue the Republic!”
At the main event, rally organizers expect over one-hundred thousand attendees.
Speakers will focus on these issues:
- The Military Industrial Complex and present a vision of a future where war is a last resort and not an ongoing business enterprise.
- The Medical Industrial Complex, reinvigorating informed consent and restoring the right of bodily integrity.
- The Censorship Industrial Complex, putting forth a future where speech is protected, government control of media ceases and where the surveillance state ends.
- The Immigration Industrial Complex, replacing it with a compassionate and rational border policy that respects national sovereignty.
- The Injustice Industrial Complex, ending lawfare and the corruption of the courts.
- The Finance Industrial Complex, which shifts the resources of the middle class to wealthy elites, envisioning a system that secures monetary freedom for all.
- The Developmental Industrial Complex, restoring the centrality and sovereignty of the family.
- The Academic Industrial Complex, returning education to truth-seeking and open dialogue.”
Read more here ~ thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/rescue-the-republic-rally-set-for
Matt Taibbi is one of the speakers scheduled at the rally, and he’s inviting everyone to “Come to My Speech.”
“Those who’ve followed my career have the scouting report: good writer, terrible speaker. I’d deny it, but why bother? As Steve Martin once put it, some people have a way with words, while others just… not have way.
I hesitated when asked last month to participate in the “Rescue the Republic” event. The idea was a lineup of politicians, comedians, scientists, and media figures to speak against the “industrial complex assault” against various enlightenment principles: informed consent, presumption of innocence, academic freedom, truth-seeking, and open dialogue, among other things. Amid gifted professional talkers like Russell Brand and Jimmy Dore and politicians who are smooth and experienced at the stump like Tulsi Gabbard, I’d drag the program down.
However, the opportunity to speak on free speech in the shadow of the Washington monument, at this fraught moment, was too great to pass up. Writers by nature are hiders. We spend our lives alone, in cell-like rooms, thinking of ways to release thoughts and feelings in cautious little pieces. Most of us would trade whole careers for one Van Halen solo. But I feel so strongly about the First Amendment, and have such a unique experience as an American who discovered its transformative power living abroad, that I feel obligated to become a speaker in its defense.”
Read more here ~ racket.news/p/come-to-my-speech-in-defense-of-the
And finally, we have Jimmy Dore speaking “with rally organizers Bret Weinstein and Angela McArdle about the event’s ambitions, what they mean by “rescue the Republic” and how people can get involved.”