September 4, 2024, via email
Recently, I read a comment that I ignored, but it played on me. I get many similar comments and yet, this one stood out.
The comment read:
“I don’t want to be a chosen one anymore – it’s lonely. It’s lonely. It’s lonely. Did I mention lonely?”
Now, something very different might happen for you when you read that, but let me tell you …. whew!!! a whole lot happened inside of me:
First, an explosion of irritation as I considered how ungrateful we humans can be for the lives we have and how hard we worked to be a part of the ascension journey.
Before I carry on, let me just say that some people feel very uncomfortable when I tell them that I get irritated and have very human emotions. I do, and I love them all, because THIS is what we came for.
We did not come here to be unreal and further expand the illusion. We came here to have the courage to feel whatever would surface, without fear or judgement, and to alchemize that emotion into its higher form. The only people who deny what they feel are the ones who don’t know how to transmute it.
So, whether I feel blissful or blue, whatever I feel is a transient emotional charge. The journey of discharging that emotion into its higher state is a journey of alchemy, and it becomes a powerful ripple of awakening for humanity. This is your potential, and mine. We are here to leave trails of light to awaken others.
Alchemy is at the core of my teachings, and I love to teach it, but I also love to show it. Once I sat with the Plasma Light Tribe in one of our weekly calls, and I got angry. I dared to show them what anger looks like, in real time; how not to run away from their anger, but to see how magnificently powerful and divine it is as it discharges itself into love.
There is nothing as powerful as seeing another human being alchemize their stuff right in front of you. We are alchemists who forgot that we have the power to transform energy, and instead, we became afraid, and began to hide behind an illusion of unrealness.
As I said earlier, here’s what happened for me…
First, an explosion of irritation as I considered how ungrateful we humans can be for the lives we have and how hard we worked to be a part of the ascension journey.
I considered what a privilege it is to be alive during the actual ascension into 5D! What? That’s the life we’re living – we are here to undergo a radical shift in consciousness, and an entire metamorphosis of the physical body into a lighter body. How thrilling is that?
I contrast that thrill against how weak we have become. So weak, in fact, that in the presence of discomfort, we choose to opt-out instead of pull-out-the-inner-warrior and face what we feel.
To descend into victimhood and self-pity is one of the greatest side-tracks to the ascension journey. It separates us from our power, but if we were to use that power to face loneliness (as was the example in that comment), then we become potential ripples of transmuting loneliness into oneness.
Oneness is one of the highest states of human consciousness, but it’s only attainable by alchemizing loneliness.
Running away from loneliness serves no one, except possibly the archons and other nefarious beings.
I considered how we humans have started to use discomfort as an opt-out-badge instead of a catalyst to facilitate alchemy. Imagine coming to the ascension lifetime and expecting nothing but ease and harmony. A magic carpet ride…
Well yes, it will be a magical ride, but first, there will be turbulence, and that’s okay. That’s how we learn to stay on the magic carpet and ride the thermals of change. That’s what we came here to do. We came here to transcend pain and leave a ripple of transformation for the next person to ride.
The pain you transcend leaves a ripple of light that reverberates throughout all time. Yes, you are that powerful!
From time to time, you may experience despondency. You’re human, and that’s okay. From time to time, you may even find yourself swimming in a sea of self-pity, and again, that’s okay (truly it is). You’re human, and you’re allowed to veer off course. Just get your wits about you, and stop hanging out in pain and suffering. That’s not what you came here for.
Soon, my irritation started to shift into a surge of power as I remembered that it all comes down to this ~ in the presence of pain, will we become powerful or weak, will we rise or shrivel. Those who shrivel feed the archonic influences that have harvested humanity’s essence for time immemorial.
That’s the precise reason we chose to come here – not to run away, but to rise up and meet ourselves in pain so that we can transcend that pain, and leave a ripple that releases humanity from their torment.
We were always going to do this by our own living example, and we gave ourselves ample circumstances to elicit pain so that we would have plenty to overcome, and by heavens – we are!
We are the Cosmic Creator Beings who came here to shift the consciousness of an entire planet, not to attend a picnic.
We have become ungrateful, entitled and incapable of facing pain. Well, some of us. And I guess that’s the difficult part for me – seeing people lose their footing and slip out of their purpose that they worked thousands of years to fulfill.
I’m here, and I have no doubt that you are too, in order to participate in the great shift of the ages. We are the ones we have waited for, and it’s time to shine baby, shine!
You are an everyday alchemist – time to sharpen your skills.
From my heart, all the way to yours…
- I pray that you make space for your humanness.
- I pray that you make space for your realness.
- I pray that you make space for your divinity.
- I pray that you remember that you are an alchemist, and you have nothing to run from, and everything to transform.