This video (with commentary) was posted on my Coffee page earlier, but it’s relevant here as well, even if it is tarot. As you most likely are aware, the question of whether our beloved planet Earth is a sphere or she isn’t is actually a thing. Some might say, and I have to agree, that the “flat earth theory” is a psy-op by the likes of the CIA, primarily because the last thing that organization wants is for the human collective to be well informed.
Quite a while back, I posted here that I would be researching the whole flat earth thing. I did that, read a whole lot of opinion, and saw things that people were holding up as proof that really weren’t very convincing. Until I watched Izabela’s reading on it, though, it felt best to just leave it.
I’ll add my comments below the video in case you don’t want the spoiler first.
Tarot by Izabela Quick Draw ~ Do we live under a Dome?
I never did vibe with the flat earth theory, but there is actually something mysterious going on that we don’t know about. I get that the Earth is way bigger than we know, and it makes sense to me that the Earth experiment would evolve under a dome, taking place entirely on only a small portion of the planet. I’m going with the fabled ice wall being the edge of the dome, and that flat earthers can see nothing beyond the dome…leading to the mistaken conclusion that what we live on is primarily convex in nature.
I suppose that technically, if you thought that all there is exists under the dome (like Phil seems to), and if our beloved planet is truly way larger that we ever thought, then the Earth would, indeed, appear to be flattish.
How about when we’ve demonstrated that we are of high integrity and good heart, we would then be released to travel quite freely (and with genuine Joy) anywhere we want on and inside this amazing planet, outside the dome (and elsewhere), and by means perhaps not even yet imagined by the humans living, as it were, under glass.
Ooh…could that be Ascension?
Porting would be nice, for long distances. There’s always the Space Balls Winnebago idea. I could see getting around on a flying mount, like in Avatar. I mean, with so much territory to explore…
Maybe upon Ascension, the dome dissolves. I guess we just have to wait and see.
It does rather highlight the experimental nature of our time here, I must say.