Excerpted from the Universal Law of Give and Receive with Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
First, Sanat Kumara says it is the time of anchoring the Energy of the Divine Mother, the totality of the Love of the nurturing of the creation, of the womb, and of the becoming.
It is the re-balancing of that Divine Feminine energy in equality, the give and take with the Divine Masculine, with our Divinity, that beautiful pink diamond flame in the middle of our tri-flame, in our heart with the golden diamond and the blue diamond.
It is from that place that we can begin each and every day to create, in laughter, Love, in joy.
Knowing this, this is how we bring balance to our creations, our lives, our families, our communities, our planet, from within, knowing that balance within our tri-flames.
The mantra below helps to bring us into that knowing of the balance, of the feminine movement and the fuel of the masculine, within each of us.
“I Receive, I Allow, I Accept, I Give, I Am Gratitude.”
Second, to know our worthiness, our ability to receive and to give, that balance and if we think we are out of balance, then simply call on the beings of higher realms, our guides, the Ascended Masters, the archangels and the angels, do not hesitate to do so. They are here to help us.
We have guardian angels and guides, a circle of protection around us, working with and for us since the beginning, morning, noon, night and in between. Then there is the additional protection of the Mighty Ones, the archangels, Mikhail, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabrielle. Then there is our own Seal of Solomon, our sacred bubble, that level of protection.
But if we perceive we are not safe, it is what we are giving to ourselves, so when we erect our shields or our methods, our rituals of protection, what we are doing is also declaring to the Universe: “I know I am protected but I am also taking personal responsibility and reassuring myself that I am protected” and that is a good thing.
SK says it is the beginning of peace, the desire for the cessation of conflict, whether it is within our self, in our home or a nation, and as a planet we are beginning to declare ourselves. There is jubilation occurring, not only with our star brothers and sisters, but throughout the Company of Heaven.
We are to simply hold the sense of inner peace and to eradicate, by giving away for the collective, that sense of the need to be right because the need to be right is what leads to war in the home, with friends, at work and countries abroad, related to entitlement.
That one is more entitled than someone else to land, to freedom, to democracy, to whatever, and so that is based on a feeling of inadequacy, of lack of self-worth, that somehow we have need to prove ourselves as more than, rather than equal to, so send the energy of elimination, of eradication, and deservingness to the collective.
The breaking down of false grids in terms of the violence in Mexico and the other hotspots of conflict, whether it is political or drugs or violence, is one individual thinking that they have the right to be in ascendancy over others, and that is unacceptable.
That is an illusion, and it is an illusion that is not of love, so it is coming to the surface and it looks awful. It looks horrendous, but SK says, if we don’t see the dirt, how do we clean it?
SK says peace will reign.
Literally, Our Lady/the Mother is watching over.