Kathleen: With huge thanks to Archangel Michael for this information about our Ascension journey.
He wonders why very few of us ever ask how we built up the illusion.
And he says how important it is not to revert back.
Time now to build community, more and more LOVE.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen through Linda Dillon, Sept. 12, 2012.
Archangel Michael: You are actually, all of you, think of it this way and this is something else we want you to share.
You have about one big toe and one finger in the 3D.
The rest of you has already ascended and that is true of all of you and that is what you are finding exhausting, not only is it the holding of energy, the inter-dimensional transfer but also even having that little bit of yourself paying attention for what is transpiring in the 3rd dimension is exhausting.
What you are experiencing is how debilitating the old 3rd really is.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2012.
Archangel Michael: One of the things that you never wish to do, is to reinforce or revert, in any way re-engage, with the attributes of the old 3rd.
What we are surprised at is so few have ever turned to us, to the Mother, to Gabrielle, to Raphael, to myself and said, “How on Earth did we ever build up the solidity of this illusion?
“How did this ever come to pass?”
Everyone accepts that it is illusion and that it was built by the human collective.
No one seems to take the credit for the powerful creation that that realm of the 3rd is and became and no one seems concerned about ever reverting back.
But we will issue this warning label:
Do not go to any behaviour, thought, pattern, belief, that re-engages that old paradigm. Do not do it.
Kathleen: It is very insidious. Sometimes you do not realize what you are doing until after it is done.
AAM: That is correct.
K: We have need to be aware of what we are doing all the time.
AAM: And it is being aware and you will have that awareness and capacity, but you are quite correct in so far as it can be insidious, and I ask you to share this with your group as well because let me give you a concrete example.
There is too much greed within the 3rd dimension and you see that everyday.
There are those who are exceptionally wealthy and there are those that are starving with no roof, no blanket, no bed, no food but you say, well, that has need to be corrected.
Yes, of course, it does, but very often what happens is you say, I will take care of you, not that I will give you a starting point and I will assist with the development of a project.
You have a saying, that actually came from Yeshua, from the days of Yeshua, about teaching a man to fish rather than handing him a meal.
Now, Yeshua fed the multitudes time and time and time again, but he was also teaching them each and every meal.
So, you can say it is of Love for me to take care of my brothers and sisters, so it is insidious. There is no [need for] want anywhere.
But you are not promoting the ability to create and co-create in that person.
So, you are wise enough in the 5th, the 6th, the 7th to provide what is necessary for the co-creation and then you have faith and trust and respect and honouring for the individual’s unique approach to create for themselves.
So many things, including the slaughter of millions, has been done in the name of love. That can never be repeated.
You are building community and unity.
You are building more and more and more Love.
It is a sacred undertaking and it is an undertaking that honours the ability of every being — yes, at different rates — but every being has the ability to create.
There will be many teachers. The healing business is going to fall off. It is going to grow into the well-being business but the teaching business will expand enormously. (1)
(1) Steve: Some growth-movement teachers used to describe their work not as helping sick people get well (which they left to doctors) but as helping well people get better.