We do have problems.
The world’s wealth is divided inequitably.
Men oppress women.
People are discriminated against on the basis of color, religion, and political opinion.
A small global elite wants to control the rest of the world and, like all would be warlords and conquerors before them, is willing to take the world down with them if they fail. (“If I can’t have it, nobody can.”)
Meanwhile, the cycle of conflict operates on the international stage as much as it does on the individual. After all, it’s individuals who start wars – and fight them.
Is this carousel (see graphic) not the same cycle in individual affairs that we follow in international? Perhaps dressed up a bit and disguised behind bows and handshakes?
Where’s the difference?
Aside from all the corruption in government that we’re discovering, we ourselves are lulled to sleep by the media and reach a state I’ve called lethargy. (1) When we don’t care about an issue, what we do with it to change direction is we blanket it with lethargy.
We instantly forget about it and any of the feelings we had about it and change direction without any further consideration. It’s as if the matter never existed.
In society just as in individual relationships, we set matters up such that a revolt, a revolution, or a war is almost needed to force change.
It’s clear what’s missing. The higher-dimensional love that awaits us at Ascension is. With that, all works out; without it, very little does and, even when it does, the wheels of justice turn slowly. If they turn at all. We’re learning now how few of them turn at all.
We’re living through the last days of a society based on unworkable paradigms. (2)
A society in which the richest, the most beautiful, the most powerful have pooled their talents to control the world. And murder most of its population.
This is where it got us.
I know from experience that problems, viewed from a higher-dimensional perspective, say, of love or bliss, cease to be problems and simply become situations. And since the love or bliss we feel answers all our needs and wants, nothing presses upon us and induces fear and panic.
The love we feel is so nourishing that our satiation allows us to consider a wider range of options than if we came from lack.
What an experience like this reveals is that, in the end, having problems is not the problem. How we see them and what we do with them is.
Soon we’ll be experiencing that transformative, transfigurative love that will turn all problems into simple situations and ensure that our efforts towards peace and freedom succeed.
We just need to get from here to there.
(1) On lethargy, see:
- “How the Fog of Lethargy Operates,” June 6, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/06/06/how-the-fog-of-lethargy-operates/
- “The Blanketing Mechanism Called Lethargy,” October 2, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/10/02/the-blanketing-mechanism-called-lethargy/
- “Leaving the Fog of Lethargy,” September 7, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/07/leaving-the-fog-of-lethargy/
(2) Our society has been raised on empirical materialism (only what we can see, hear, taste, etc., is real), bolstered by social Darwinism (life is a struggle for existence and only the strong survive). This chaos and mayhem that we see around us is where those paradigms have led to.