I’d like to continue the discussion I began yesterday. (1) Let me start with two questions and answers:
Question: What will make the world work for everyone?
Answer: The kind of love – transformative, transfigurative love – that exists on any of the higher dimensions.
Question: What can and does unite us as a world?
Answer: Our valuing of the divine qualities and virtues.=
No matter what Third-Dimensional minds may think, say, or do, Gaia and all with enough light to go with her are headed for that world that works no matter what! (That’s an outcome of Ascension, which is laid-on.)
There’s no work involved. Or, if there is, there’s probably less work than any of us may have thought.
There’s work involved in restoring Gaia’s form and building a new society. But in having our world(s) work, the ocean of love that we’ll all be immersed in then will see to it.
It ensures that everything works out for everyone without there needing to be work for that to happen.
But even here, there’s a kicker. If you were in this love right now, you wouldn’t want anything else! You’re “there.” You already have what you’ve always really wanted. The only place to go from here is into more, deeper, and eternal. And oh yes, to share what you’ve already got.
I think Werner Erhard knew this. He knew that “a world that works for everyone” (2) was what he called a “transformed” world.
None of us knew about Ascension back then – although he may have. All of us were busy figuring out with our 3D minds all the things we’d need to do to make this world work for everyone. Lists and lists and lists.
Speak of going round in a circle, chasing our tails. As Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem such as this by looking at it from the same level at which it was created. Realization is really seeing something from a higher level, to which bliss lifts us up.
Immediately upon entering the river of love that flows in all the higher dimensions, we see that it’s this love that will make the world work.
My ability to experience that higher love is not anything like what it was in 2015. But even the modest amount I can draw up from my heart on the inbreath now is enough to remind me of the power of love.
Werner always said that transformation would make the difference in our lives, between lives that didn’t work and lives that did.
He said that a transformed person does what works and what they do works. Uhhhh, yes. That’s been my experience in any dimensional consciousness state beyond this one that I’ve been in. When I’m immersed in love, I do what works and what I do works.
Let’s look at this second area, which, if we approach it with an intellectual mind, will send us around the bend as well: What do we as a world value?
Imagine the quarrel over our religion’s values vs some other religion’s values, or women vs. men? The cabal could divide and conquer us a million times over on those ones.
In the end, how would we know what we as a world value?
Well, we could ask everyone by using the quantum voting system. We don’t have one yet? Well, now that we have the concept, let’s build one.
Viewed from a higher-dimensional place of love (but it could be peace or joy or compassion), I predict the answer will be simple and obvious: What we as a world – if we could see ourselves with higher eyes – would probably be found to value would be, I think, the divine qualities and virtues.
The divine qualities include love, bliss, ecstasy, peace, happiness, joy. The divine virtues include courage, patience, compassion, faith, valor.
How many years have I labored, looking for cultural universals beyond a smile and a tear and it was right there in front of me the whole time.
OK, OK, you say: What about the Satanists? They don’t value the divine qualities and virtues. How will the world work for them?
Quite right. There are some people who don’t value them. Under certain circumstances, that’s allowed for a time.
They just don’t get to come with us. Not this time, anyways. Who comes and who not is determined by the amount of light a person carries. (3) Too little light and they wouldn’t be able to tolerate a higher dimension.
But even they will end up fulfilling the purpose of life … one day. (4) And could that day be this lifetime? Krishna says it’s possible:
“Though a man be soiled
With the sins of a lifetime,
Let him but love me,
Rightly resolved,
In utter devotion:
I see no sinner,
That man is holy.
Holiness soon
Shall refashion his nature
To peace eternal.” (5)
What is holiness? The very same divine qualities and virtues. The paramitas of Buddhism, the yamas and niyamas, do’s and don’ts, of Hinduism – I’d be surprised if all religions don’t have some way of discussing prescribed and proscribed behavior based on the divine qualities and virtues.
In sum, what will make the world work for everyone is the higher-dimensional love that awaits us on Ascension. Immersed in that love, having what we really always wanted, lifetime after lifetime, we wouldn’t think a harmful thought and none would arise.
Second, what can and does unite us as a world is our valuing of the divine qualities and virtues. The qualities include love, peace, happiness, etc. The virtues include courage, patience, compassion, etc.
(1) See “What We as a World Value,”
(2) I’ve recently seen that Buckminster Fuller also had the notion of “a world that works for everyone” in the 1960s. I do know that Werner and Bucky worked together. See, for instance, L. Steven Sieden, “Buckminster Fuller’s Vision of a World That Works for Everyone,” Huffington Post, Oct. 24, 2015, at https://www.huffpost.com/entry/buckminster-fullers-visio_b_8381918.
I see now there is also a website dedicated to “A World that Works”: https://www.worldthatworks.org/ . The idea needs to spread everywhere and love is the way to accomplish what it points at.
(3) “Earth is nearing vibratory levels where the light is so intense that all who have refused the light – the ones we speak of as dark simply to indicate their lack of light – will die. That may sound unduly harsh, but it is not a matter of some “divine” judgment or punishment – it is simply the physics governing life in this universe that bodies bereft of light cannot survive in those higher vibrations. In short, all those who have been causing fearful conditions will be disappearing.” (Matthew’s Message, April 23, 2011.)
(4) The purpose of life, as it was revealed to me on Feb. 13, 1987, is for us to know who we are. When one of us realizes its true identity, at that moment, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this created. See “Ch. 13 – Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at http:/./goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf.
Even the evil will one day realize God. St. Francis was a young wastrel. Angulimala was a robber and assassin. But both realized God.
(5) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 85.
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