by Nicky Hamid
A HUman Being.
Someone Loving Being HUman.
No amount of denial or separation thinking will make anything other than it appears to you. For example: Call something “spiritual” (of Divine Source and origin) and you immediately include in your world things that are “unspiritual” (not of Source) which cannot be.
You have become what you think.
This includes all the thinking you have hidden from yourself. You can’t fight something and let it go. You acknowledge it, you Love it as having been your experiencing this contrast, and then you to let it go. This is how you release anything within you.
If God (Source) made You in Love of Love, Why on earth can you not love you and all Your creation? Change how you See things and your world will change.
It all starts with me totally Loving the me I AM.
And as You and I are One in God it becomes fact that, how could I not Love You.
So it all starts with Loving You , Loving being You, and this is all about you opening up to All that you can be.
Exploring and discovering everything about you with a tenacious Trust and Courage to play and be open to all your moments.
I So Love You
PS: And if you are forever willing to open your “eyes” ( and Heart)…. WE play in an expanding multidimensional Field. This beautiful Sister Friend of mine had a stroke and lost her speech. So she spoke in a Star Being Light Language. How amazing is she?
Infinite possibilities, in a field of Love. Things are not what they appear if you will look and feel.
And when all seems lost, we surrender, not give up, but surrender all our knowing to Source (God), and totally let the Divine that we are do All the heavy lifting all the solving of the hows, whys, wheres and whens. And the Light will return along with a Peace and Love ( and Knowing) that is beyond our speaking of.
PPS: None of us are immune to the impact of A DYNAMIC SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS.
This year my own learning curves have been accelerated through, first a NDE, whereby I experienced in May, the reality of my own physical demise, devoid of any medical explanation as to the cause.
Next just a month ago the passing of my Beloved partner Glynne, which has left a gaping ‘whole’ of her physical Presence in my Life
And yet I have been given the opportunity and challenge to dig deeper into my Soul Purpose and to find deeper more profound reasons to BE HERE NOW. 💜