Judith Kusel
We can only shift into the higher dimension of completely letting go of the old.
All the old structures, forms, establishments, are crumbling and dissolving.
Let go of all concept of who you were before and allow ego self to dissolve, so that only your highest soul self, in its utter purity, remains.
We are currently held in the womb of the Divine Feminine, and within her waters of life, and being reformed, reinvented, into a totally new creation.
Stay fully present in that womb, and allow yourself to cosmically expand beyond the 3D into the limitless possibilities which the Divine Mother within you and around you is awakening within. You are in the state of preparation for the breaking of the waters, before the total rebirth fully into the new Solar Lightbody in the 5th to 7th dimension.
Rest is so important.
Be, just to be.
Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on Mother Earth, so that she can ground you for grounding is so important right now. Feel the raw earth, the grasses, the waters running over your bare feet.
Thank both Mothers for holding you in the arms of love and nurturing you into a totally new life and endless new possibilities opening on all levels now, as you, in turn, are now birthing the New Golden Age in the New Earth, as an act of love.
Remember where you focus your attention, is what you manifest and draw more of into your life. Thoughts, words, actions, manifest almost instantly now. Become aware and rather go back into your heart, and hold your thoughts, words, deeds in love and with the loving intent so that wharever energy you project out with love, is for the highest good of all, and in unity and harmony with All That Is. Never for self service, but always for the highest good of all, and with and through love.
Surrender ego. It no longer serves you.
All is One.
Photo by Judith Kusel. Note the water sprite appearing on the right.