These are times that try the human soul.
My heart breaks – I’m sure yours does at well – at events in the Middle East.
This is destined to be the last “war” on Earth. No more Lemuria. No more Atlantis. (1)
I’ve tried my best over the last few years to offer the perspective of the Divine Mother, celestials, and galactics – as channeled through and assembled by Linda Dillon – on the Divine Plan, on what needs to happen before Ascension, etc.
My intention was to have a basic reference library available (for free, so, available without barrier to everyone) at this time, when many people will be awakening and questioning.
Now that that is as available as I can think of making it, that phase of my personal work is more or less done.
Meanwhile, the phase that the world is now going through has traditionally been referred to in Ascension circles as “Accountability.”
The evil (I intentionally said the word “evil”) (2) that is taking place and being practised upon our women and children is about to stop.
There’s no intention that I’m aware of on the part of the Company of Heaven to allow the deep state to cause a nuclear war or a world war; just know that. (3) There is an intention to have it seem like one is coming to get the attention of the world’s population.
It took the good and decent people in a large number of nations joining together in defiance of their corrupt governments and putting their lives on the line day after day to bring us to where we are today, where the Alliance’s plan to stop it is poised to be victorious.
We’re beginning the last push, the last defense and defiance of our unlawfully-seated governments and a cleansing of the whole Earth of “evil” behavior and its results.
Matthew Ward summarizes our situation:
“The people need to know the Illuminati, Deep State, One World Order, Shadow Government, the cabal is real—it is not mainstream media’s ‘conspiracy theory.’
“They are desperate and tenacious, and because they need the low vibrations of fear and suffering to survive, during this last stage of the battle between the light forces and the dark, they will cause chaos and devastation. Maybe technologically cause destructive ‘natural’ disasters, produce a holographic invasion of monstrous aliens, or send mind-controlled individuals on mass killing sprees. (4) (My emphasis.)
We can expect a great deal of thrashing around. When you’re armed with high-power directed energy weapons and weather-warfare technology, you have great potential for destruction. And yet we can confidently say that those who are with us are stronger than those who oppose us.
I remind us that people are not evil. No one is evil. No one was born in sin. No one goes to a hell of perpetual fire and brimstone.
I’ve experienced my own natural innocence and purity. (5) I know that I was not born in sin. No one could convince me otherwise.
And so it is with everyone. We’re all on the same One Journey – from God to God. Just at different stops. (6)
And yet we can’t let these pure and refined truths distract us when bullets are flying. First we have to finish the job of unseating those who would enslave our women and children and depopulate the globe.
At times like these, we have to ask ourselves what our intentions are. On yours I can’t comment.
My intention is to support the Alliance plan and the Mother’s Plan with every breath I take while ensuring that my motives are always the highest.
(1) See:
- What’s Happening on Planet Earth? The Accountability Phase of Ascension at
- Muslims Did Not Cause 9/11. We Did at
- The End of Darkness on Earth: the Dawning of the Light at
- The Hidden War: Stopping the Illuminati at
(2) What the two top-drawer politicians did to the young girl in Frazzledrip was evil. Twice now I’ve heard what they did described by others but I haven’t the heart or stomach to describe it. You recall that New York policemen puked on seeing it.
(3) See There Will Be No Nuclear War for the World at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023.
(5) See “We Are, All of Us, Innocent and Pure,” April 7, 2020, at
(6) See “Ch. 13 Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at
All will eventually know God, we’re told, even those who now practise evil. Sri Ramakrishna asserts:
“All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self.” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.)