by Judith Kusel
Excerpt from a Soul Reading done by Judith Kusel
You first incarnated on earth at the time of the Lion Kingdom, which was the second civilization on earth and then after The Wars of Heavens, when the Lion People from Lyra were given permission to settle on planet earth, as their own home galaxy had been destroyed.
They fled to Sirius and then started to settle on Earth.
They are the master Architects and Engineers and were giants. They created all the megalithic sites on earth and their engineering and architectural feats knew no bounds.
Add to these hydraulic systems and technology which simply stunned. They built the most amazingly beautiful pyramids, temples, buildings with massive hanging gardens which seemed to be suspended midair.
They were 7th to 9th dimensional and were a very noble lion-like people which immense tempered power and superior technological, architectural and engineering knowledge as well as the application of sacred geometries, sacred numbers, mathematics, quantum physics and metaphysics such as the earth have not known since.
A beautiful people with manes of reddish blonde to red hair which they tended to wear in topknot on top of their heads (especially the men).
They had immensely powerful Motherships and space craft and used amphibious craft on earth.
They repaired the crystalline energy grids of the earth and Pyramids and created new Pyramids which are still dispersed all over the earth and knew how to power huge cities and all buildings and sites with the natural telluric energy fields of the earth and that generated from the pyramids and the batteries they installed into the earth as well as the power of water, like in their hydraulic systems.
They created the Nile and all the hydraulic systems which are way beyond human knowledge and ken at this present moment. ”