Earthquakes, tsunamis, kinetic wars, bankruptcies, clones, on and on.
We lightworkers, who are watching all this mayhem, can look at it from two levels. The first is ground level and we’d either be cheering for the white hats or pulling our hair out.
The second is at a higher-dimensional level, where the Divine Plan is working itself out. Right now the blanket, it seems, is being strongly shaken. All the dust particles are flying and only light fibers remain.
All manner of ill fortune is greeting the dark hats. Whistleblowers are arising. Blackrock and JP Morgan are rumored to be going into bankruptcy. The fiat dollar is no more. The QFS makes money-laundering and other criminality impossible to hide. The top of the pyramid is being eliminated by one means or another.
The rest of the New World Order … uhhh, may I say “conspiracy”? … is turning on itself from lack of funds, impending exposure, or white-hat assault and arrest.
A game of chess is being played out with assurances given us that the white hats are in control.
Well, no, I won’t go that far. The Mother is in control. She’s the Commander-in-Chief. That being said, her messenger (angellos), Archangel Michael, reassures us that, this time, “hatred, greed, control [do] not get to win.” (1)
SaLuSa tells us that those folks who appear to escape human justice will not escape divine:
“Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience.” (2)
And we know that our star family will not allow nuclear or world war. (3) Moreover the white hats surely know it as well from UFO whistleblower testimony. (4)
So we know we’re watching drama, theater, but with consequences: People are dying.
As if trapped in a paradox, all of this goes on while we’re being showered with love from distant civilizations and the Mother herself. (5)
The world needs this love. Some lightworkers among us have the mission of receiving it from a higher dimension to this and sending it out into our collective consciousness.
I was talking to a few new people in Kathleen’s Monday night meditation class on why, from my perspective, we spend a half hour sending out love.
Not only do we add that to the collective consciousness, but we also get our reward from experiencing that magical love coming up from our heart (on the inbreath) and flowing through us, out to the world (on the outbreath).
The experience itself is like someone running a feather through our heart.
I can think of no reward I’d want over the experience of higher-dimensional love flowing through me. All desires other than for more love disappear.
We used to think that being loving was Pollyanna and being in bliss came from a pill you swallowed. Wrong again.
I think our contribution is in large measure to increase the love and bliss there is in the world. Ascension is ascending into more expansive states of love and bliss. If it’s already peeking through, I say, allow it to come forth, with humility, without seeking any reward other than the love and bliss itself.
I’ll be pushing my edge (6) in that whole area, to let through more of the love that’s being sent, anchor it in Gaia, and send it out into the collective consciousness. Meanwhile, I get my reward as it flows through me.
(1) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at
(2) SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008.
(3) See There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at
(4) See “What Disabled Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base?” at and “UFO Shoots Missile with Beams – Vandenberg Air Force Base,” at
(5) Divine Mother: Normally, [Light] would come from me to my realms, to the dominions, to the seraphim, to the archangels, etc., to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. But that is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. You see, there is no shortage of what I have to share. (“The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” Oct. 8, 2013, at
(6) In the growth movement of the Seventies, we maintained momentum by “pushing our edge” over a given matter or in a given field. I push my edge in the area of love. OK, OK, and truth.