I’ve sought input and corrections from Suzy on this article, which has improved it and filled in gaps in my knowledge,
I’d like to answer a few questions that may be on a few people’s minds. It has to do with Matthew Ward’s latest message (Jan. 3, 2024).
Before setting out, I want to say that I regard Matthew’s messages as among the best we have. If Matthew said it, that alone persuades me to give the matter serious attention.
In his most recent message, Matthew said:
“Now we are going to speak out forthrightly, about the perception that you are entering fifth density. You need to know that is a misperception so you don’t become disillusioned when what you are expecting doesn’t happen.
“We don’t know from whence came that idea about Earth’s proximity to fifth
According to Matthew, we have to traverse the Fourth Dimension before we’ll enter
the Fifth. In that same recent message, he said:
“Darkness will end in stages as Earth’s civilization advances through fourth density. No 3D action, activity, attribute or attitude can cross the threshold of fifth because their low vibrations cannot exist in that density.
“About those numbers—the universe has no demarcations, energy isn’t compartmentalized, and we use numbers only to indicate Earth’s location or the evolutionary status of an individual or a civilization. Fourth and fifth densities aren’t destinations on an intergalactic travel itinerary; they are stages of self-discovery along souls’ evolutionary journey back to Creator Source.”
Suzy points out that, as long ago as October 6, 2004, he spoke about progressing from third density to fourth, and this is what he said in a November 10, 2010 message:
“An essential aspect of any civilization’s progress out of third density is experiencing duality; realizing that its divisiveness prevents living peacefully; and ultimately reconciling differences harmoniously within communities, countries and internationally. By so doing, the peoples advance in soul growth sufficiently to enter fourth density. The intensifying light has been bringing about this realization—conscious-raising and spiritual renewal—and it will continue to do so until the last vestiges of duality end in global reconciliation.”
He’s saying that we still haven’t finished traversing the Fourth. So this is a consistent line of commentary from Matthew.
When I try on what he says, test it out, and see if it fits, I find resonance.
I take a look and see that I hold an unspoken belief or assumption that Ascension will happen in around two years. I write from that perspective or leaning, tacit but influential on my thinking and a filter on my reading nonetheless.
Then there’s the ascension issue—is it an event or a process? Ever since Matthew and his mother connected telepathically 30 years ago, Suzy tells me, he has talked about it as a process. And there are two kinds: planetary and personal.
He explains that the brutal behavior of Earth’s civilizations for millennia dimmed the light that was the planet’s life force, and it spiraled down from its origin in high fifth density to deep third. Nearly nine decades ago, a massive infusion of light from distant civilizations let the planet start ascending—now it is in low fourth location-wise.
He says the other kind of ascension is personal—advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness—and happens individually, not en masse. Each of us has the choice of actions and reactions, Suzy says, that let us advance or regress in evolutionary status.
Bursts of awareness or enlightenment that some religions and philosophies consider ascension, Suzy tells me, Matthew sees as progressive stages of consciously remembering what is known at soul level. He sees ascension as the remembering process during the soul’s journey back to Creator Source.
This is what he said in the last chapter, “Remembering,” of Matthew, Tell Me about
I know I’ve referred many times to “learning” and “lessons” both here and on Earth, but actually, Mother, nothing has to be “learned.” Everything that IS, we already KNOW at soul level. As we are inseparable from God and Creator, so we are inseparable from the universal mind. It is consciously remembering all we know that is the journey through all our lifetimes.
If we’re not on the threshold of fifth density, when will we be and what has to
transpire in the interim? Matthew asked his mother to copy the following short
passage from what Arnold, a member of extraterrestrial special forces, said in July
3, 2023 message:
“My people conservatively estimate that reconciliation, cleansing and reconstruction
will be completed in less than two generations, 35 to 40 of your years, and many aspects
will be accomplished much sooner. Significant efforts have started in some areas, others
are in planning stages, and throughout those years we and other universal family will
work alongside you.”
Then Matthew said, “The time estimate Arnold spoke about takes into account all
circumstances that must be dealt with” and he enumerated some of the conditions
and situations on Arnold’s long list that will be remedied or eradicated during those
I recognize that some of you, perhaps many of you, will find the timeframe and
current density difficult to accept. I did as well at first. I used writing to process the upset that arose. (2)
Suzy Ward and I have a solid friendship that both of us respect. When I sent her an
email from a disgruntled message reader, she replied with clarifying points. When I
wrote later about my own misgivings, she replied at length with excerpts from
previous messages.
All our work together on Ascension, so far, has been the occasion of growth for me
that I never considered, let alone considered possible. I’ve never grown so fast and so far as when joining with everyone in lightwork, in ascension work.
There’s no other spiritual pursuit that I can think of that interests me more than linking arms with all others around the planet to bring in world peace, as a contribution to our planet’s evolutionary development. I now see possibility where I never did before. And I’m more ready than I’ve ever been to play my role in upcoming events.
We the people remain the creators of our future. War exists by our buy-in, by our say-so. Remove our agreement and it cannot occur.
I can moan and groan. But it’s strictly optional. What persists is that lightwork remains for me the best anchor and nurturer of growth. Because of that and because of my soul contract, I’m not going anywhere.
I’m here till the end.
In his December 5, 2010 message, Matthew previewed what we can expect:
“Will all the beneficial changes in our lives be accomplished by the time Earth reaches fourth density or will there be more changes in the Golden Age?” All the changes until Earth enters fourth density will indeed be beneficial, but soul evolvement, and thus your multiple lifetimes, will continue “throughout eternity,” it is safe to say. The soul’s journey of self-discovery will continue unfolding throughout the Golden Age and far, far beyond, until each returns to Creator Source. We can promise you, the wondrous adventure gets more and more exciting!
(1) A person purifies themselves of their issues and upsets, resentments and grumbles and becomes ready to experience the next stage of enlightenment. The preparation is gradual but the experience sudden. We can therefore say enlightenment – and the same applies to the stage of enlightenment called Ascension or Sahaja Nirviks.lpa Samadhi – is both gradual and sudden.
(2) You may wish to use the upset clearing process. See Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Vasanas-Preparing-for-Ascension-R9.pdf