Christmas in WW1, depicted. (1) We’re getting there. Credit: welt.de
I seem to become reflective at this time of year. Holidays at some point take over and the part of the world that celebrates usually falls … well, silent.
Not this year.
This year we’re at war. Underground, hidden until Lahaina, now open.
We haven’t reached the public turning point. We have behind the scenes, yes, but not on your Nightly News … yet.
In the war we’re in, if the deep state had its way, it’d see all but 500 million of us die from their depopulation weapons such as toxic vaccines, weather warfare, chemtrails, 5G, food destruction, even nuclear warfare, etc.
It’s true that the ending of this war is already written. The Divine Mother, the active face of Mother/Father One, assures us:
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [into the new region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (2)
Thus a victory for darkness on Earth, which you could say Atlantis and Lemuria were, in a twisted fashion, will not occur. Period.
That’s an article of faith with me, a foundational principle.
But that’s not all that’s at stake here. Children are being trafficked underground, used sexually, tortured for adrenochrome, and murdered. We need to keep this always in mind and free the children. (3)
To avoid a global civil war and mass casualties, and to wake people up, the white hats are letting team dark play out their hand. Clones and masked actors among world leaders are playing out the deep-state’s playbook but under white-hat control.
As we speak, behind the scenes, team dark are being starved of funds and brought before tribunals. We’re going to be shocked at who has gone.
Let me say that anyone using adrenochrome (Hollywood, Washington, state governments) may be in big trouble (this is just my guess). I’d imagine its use falls under crimes against humanity.
How long it’s taking for the sleeping public to wake up appears to reflect the hold the corrupt and complicit mainstream media have over us.
Those leaders still free are jumping back and forth, from issue to issue – Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Gaza, climate change, pandemics, transhumanism, AI, etc. Anyone remember Nord Stream? Oh, and athletes dying on-screen? No? We forget within weeks.
And to date it’s worked to keep a large section of the populace unaware of what’s really happening, confused, and apathetic.
Unless we see it being acted out right in front of our eyes, or hear a confession, we might never believe what’s happening. Satanists? Child-killers? Organ harvesters? Cannibals?
Ah c’mon, Mack. You’re a conspiracy theorist.
Yah, but it’s real.
Our children are disappearing into their clutches.
Remember the milk-carton kids? Our refusal to wake up sees people die, victims of the deep state’s greed, lust, and Satanism.
My New Year’s wish is that the world wakes up – sooner than “soon” – quickly and safely – to the terrible peril we’re in from the elites of the world gathered together as the secret societies, New World Order, Illuminati, cabal, or deep state.
They may not win the war, but who wants another child to fall victim to them?
This must be both the highest evolutionary and lowest devolutionary point human civilization has ever reached. One part of it is actively trying to murder all but a small servile remainder and the other part is fighting to save humanity.
And we must save ourselves, with some, limited help from our star family, because we got ourselves into this fix in the first place. The Law of Karma applies. (4)
Unless we wake up to the fact that this is actually happening in our world, its harmfulness will continue. For a time. We want to speed the inevitable rise of the divine independence of the people of Earth and reduce the impact of the leaving of the darkness. (5)
(1) But notice the ethnocentricity: Our side (the Brit) confidently extends his hand, venturing forth, while their side (the German) timorously extends his in response. Yes, we are the good guys in our own history.
(2) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
(3) Apparently med beds will do the rest.
(4) SaLuSa: War is one of [the dark’s] greatest weapons and even now they fuel the ones occurring in the Middle East. They must stop very soon, but some karma is being played out and must run its course. It is sad and we hear the cries of those in pain, but we are unable to interfere in what is your affair and the result of your actions. We do not wish to sound harsh but we are bound by Galactic Law, which we fully understand and abide by. (SaLuSa, June 22, 2011.)
The galactics are still busy, even if we must do our share:
Archangel Michael: Because you are not cognizant of the overrides, nor do you need to be, because you don’t see them as yet, you will soon, you think that we are doing nothing. We have prevented nuclear devastation. We have prevented global disintegration. We have prevented wars and mayhem. We have prevented tidal waves. We have prevented or softened earthquakes.
We have prevented or shifted human interest and beliefs, not overriding free choice but exposing billions, all at once, to accept a new idea. And you are seeing that. You are seeing it in the acceptance of humanity of your star brothers and sisters, of the angelic realm, of star technology that is in the homes of every person pretty much.
And so, you think that we are not doing things. You think that your star brothers and sisters are not doing things, but in fact we are. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/13/archangel-michael-on-the-angelic-kingdom/.)
For more, see Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf
(5) The leaving of darkness, not the leaving of the dark. It’s behavior we want to change, not eliminate people.