by Nicky Hamid
Why is this old 3D reality persisting as it is?
It is not, it is changing and is changed if you have the “eyes to see’ from a Heart that is opening.
It persists to change in a chaotic, conflicting state as long as you maintain it by your way of looking at it, your fears and engagement with it simply through habits of thought and reaction.
Stepping out of this reality requires only for you to make fearlessly your next step. You must make choices.
You cannot remain waiting and looking back over your shoulder to see and identify with the reality based on fear, lack, survival, and decay.
Nor hold some idealise version of what “spirituality” is and what a “spiritual” person does. In 5th dimension expression fixed imprints DO NOT EXIST. And it will not come to you.
You are already, at least partially, in 5D and “above”. But it will not appear clearly and substantially until you have claimed it as your Being.
You are not simply entitled to it, and you can engage in all the “spiritual” practices you like and it will not make a difference. It will not exist until you are allowing, claiming, owning and acting on choices of your Unconditional Lovingness. Until you are in the “Unconditional” in your Life and looking in through 3D, that will materialize for you.
It will not exist until you make the freewill intentional conscious choice to totally, seeing as Soul Being, and the “out there” as the “movie” of 3D you have been creating and pretending to play in, make believing that it is “REAL”
YES, it is Soul You looking from, within to without, from the “Real” into the transitory, impermanent and every changing density.
You have been creating in your very own electro-magnetic field a “virtual reality” (hologram).
It was back to front. The out there is not reality and it will disappear. It is “within” Spirit, Soul You are that is Real and “permanent’.
Not just logically but as an experience of being in the here and now. Can you feel it and the sense of power and knowing that comes from it. A Real Shift.
Yes you, SOUL BEING come first and everyone else is lifted, is shown a way through you as SOUL BEING and by how you live. Others will not be able to avoid your Shine and in fact they will be inspired to find it for themselves.
Shine my Beloved Friends, Shine.
I So Love You
PS: Your reality will not Change unless you make New Choices.
There is no saviour coming. There is no guru, Master, Star Being, or cosmic miracle coming. All these are here opening the Gateway.
You have to walk through by Your Own Freewill Choices.
Love shows the Portal but it is Your LOVE of What YOU ARE that is your PASS PORT to walk through into New Earth.
PPS: Be as a child (HUman in Innocence). Look out with Awe, Wonder and Delight into the New World unfolding from your Heart before your very Eyes.