by Nicky Hamid
You Did Not Come Here to Fit In
You came here to experience and explore your own version of Truth.
Life is meaningless apart from you Being and doing and seeing what you prefer.
Everything is meaningless, nothing has built in meaning.
All situations all circumstances have no automatic built in meaning. They are neutral props.
The gift you as a Creator Being have given yourself is that you have the power to decide what anything means. The meaning you give determines the effect you get.
If you define something as having a “negative” meaning it is going to have a “negative effect” on you.
When you automatically decide to give something a “positive” meaning that is the effect you are going to get.
This is the nature of 3D. It is a momentary shimmering force field, passing reflection of what you feel/think.
Experience is conditional on perceived meaning.
When you shift your meaning you always get an echo of the old reality in order to see if you have really changed. If you react negatively then you haven’t changed.
A key to your shifting back into 5D (unconditional reality) is you deciding you are going to Smile just because that is what you prefer, that is what you are consciously aligning to, that is your choice of the tone of experiencing. You do not need any other reason.
Stop having so many reasons to be happy AND JUST BE HAPPY.
Everything is Sacred and if you want to be miserable you will have a very good reasons for being so. But if everything is in balance, is neutral, then you can choose whatever you prefer without invalidating what you don’t prefer.
It is the invalidation, the judgement of what you don’t prefer that gives it the power to manifest.
If it is all the same to you, all equally valid, then you choose simply because you prefer, still allowing for everything to be as Sacred as anything else.
So really negative and positive are always present potentials in duality, they give you the choice, it is an essential and amazing part of being human, of experiencing Freewill, but since you are waking up you now, realize that there is only the direction which you are choosing to move in any given moment of your Now and that it is all OK.
Go with a bounce.
Do what you prefer, what makes you feel good.
That beautiful mind of yours allows you to see the contrast but the meaning it takes on board is temporary and is to be played with not fixed in stone.
I So Love You