Anyone focused on Ascension need not read this article, whose details may go into territory you’d prefer not to go into.
Wow, if we ever needed a redpill, this looooong article on soccer players who are still dropping dead three years after the Covid vaccine rollout is like being run over by a steamroller.
I feel pulled in five different directions.
(A) I know that men and women have put their lives at risk to rescue the world from the people who are causing soccer players and Moms, Dads, and baby children to drop dead. I don’t want to say anything that increases their risk, such as implying that I somehow don’t support them. I do with great energy.
(B) I know that there’s only so much you may want to hear. You’re probably thinking, I don’t come here for that. And I’m aware of that. We’re all of us wrestling with our limits.
(C) Third is how much I personally can stand to learn about before I can no longer function from shock.
(D) At the same time, if we don’t learn from these events, we simply increase the chances of them happening again. Surely that’s the lesson of WW2. We let the forces of evil in through the back gate and they propagated, with us as their willing partners. (1)
(E) And, finally, I’m plagued by thoughts of what is happening to young children around the globe in the world today. Kidnapped, caged … I’d better stop. We have to rescue them and the sooner the better.
As a refugee adjudicator and now as a citizen journalist, I’ve heard things as horrible as I can stand hearing. And that always lurks in the background and pushes me to not be silent.
Right after the war, the world again divided into what the narrative portrayed as communist vs capitalist (the Cold War). But, unbeknownst to the public, the United States let in Nazi officers under Operation Paperclip and confiscated the medical findings of Unit 731, the Japanese medical center that killed so many Chinese. Both actions, combined with the moral drag of having dropped atomic bombs on populated cities, in my view, lowered our tolerance for evil and fed a cancerous growth.
The seeds of corruption and tolerance for mass evil were already there. The sinking of the Titanic … uhhh, Olympic … in 2012 with opponents of the Federal Reserve and thousands of innocents aboard surely is one tragic example of that.
It’s taken hammer blows to awaken as many of the public as have awakened so far. It took hammer blows to awaken me.
To really entertain that our governments are being led by Satanists bent on eliminating all but 500 million of us and subjugating the rest – holy cow, man! You are crazy! You’ve been reading that stuff?
To entertain that most, if not all, our government leaders owe allegiance to a global coven, if you will, whose higher echelons I have no desire to know about and most people don’t even want to consider.
Nor do I want to dwell on what’s to be found at the other end of the evil spectrum. Whenever I hear of a new act of evil, I’m kayoed for a time.
Every one of us is a sheep at a certain level – and a sheepdog at another level. Every one of us has our limits – and our conscience. Balancing the two takes vigilance.
Adrenochrome production is something I believe we all need to know about, for the protection of the young children who are tortured to produce it. If we can get through knowing about that as a society, I’d consider it asking enough of anyone.
Enough to guarantee that no one alive would want to see such acts continue into the future because we refused to listen in the past.
To the best of my knowledge, no American President you see alive today, with the exception of Donald Trump and Jimmy Carter, is in fact still alive. All are replaced by clones or masked actors, depending on whom “they” serve.
When the Alliance says that what we’re watching is theater, the fact that we’re all watching stand-ins seems to bear that out.
Please wake up soon, oh world, so we can end the suffering.
(1) Our justification was the Cold War. In fact the deep state was keeping wars going for its own profit. President Eisenhower called it the “military industrial complex.”