The first three and a half minutes of this video is a song performed by a guy rappin’ and walking along a forest path. He’s speaking truth, but there’s a few understandable F-bombs involved. Just sayin’…
It’s a long video, too. Seems to be a theme today, along with Lisa Renee’s Situational Awareness Update, which, even split into two parts, is quite the time commitment to gathering knowledge. As a Human on this planet, it seems to my benefit and to the benefit of All of us that we be well informed. Information is power, and it’s a power that the bad guys absolutely don’t want us to have and to share.
Anyway, the rap song is followed by an old movie clip with what I assume is an orphan boy basically delivering a passionate oration about politics in the face of a wealthy old guy, who couldn’t get a word in edgewise. At 6:20, the hostess goes into her show intro, and her guest comes on at 7:45. The informative interview goes on until Dr. Jan leaves at one hour and 44 minutes in. What happens after that, I can’t say.
“A journey into the past to understand our present. We will dive into the roots of freedom, connecting the dots from history to today’s political landscape. Two majestic minds, together, will unravel the bedrock of freedom that has shaped our nation. We will explore how the past has paved the way for our current political realities. You can only connect the dots rearward. History is not just a story; it’s the blueprint for our future.”
Click the image above to watch…