Chatting with Wes the other day has netted me one of his more recent articles.
We Will Endure
By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebellion, July 21, 2023
You’re not here to suffer, and there is no force trying to break you. Every obstacle is put on your path to help you grow. If you can stay centered and remember the importance of small, incremental steps, you WILL conquer any challenge put before you.
Keep the faith in your darkest times; you are being tested and you will overcome, if you can get out of your own way. Fear and anxiety will try to pull you under. Look your fear in the eye and keep moving forward, no matter how intensely it grips you.
Never quit pushing, never quit working, and never underestimate yourself. You are so much stronger than you know. Start living in alignment with the version of yourself you idealize. Do not hesitate, and do not let anxiety convince you that you deserve anything less.
If you’ve been reading my posts lately, then you know I’ve had a rough couple weeks. A lot of things have been going wrong, and I’m unsure what the next phase of life has in store for me. It will either see me working multiple jobs to pay bills and ensure my family has everything we need – which I am not too proud or lazy to do – or our problems will ease, allowing me to make more content than I ever have. Either way, I feel intensely motivated toward work – more than ever before.
Whatever I must do, I will work at it. And I will keep working.
I’ve been letting fear, anxiety and complacency rule my life for far too long. Now that I’m thirty years old, I look back on my twenties with no desire to change anything other than my lack of discipline. I wish I would’ve worked harder at my craft, and I wish I would’ve discovered my love for fitness a lot sooner. I wish I would’ve been unafraid to take my other favorite hobby – gaming – and make content with it.
I wish I would’ve found my stride sooner, because now, as I’m committing to making more content; a lack of income may be pushing me in another direction. If that is the case, then so be it. Anxiety has taught me the value of accepting my circumstances.
If money troubles or problems with my home and car create the need for me to take a second job, then it is what it is. I will work. What I will no longer do is stress about things that are out of my control. With the support of the Universe and the intuitive guidance that has not let me down so far – when I’m not too bull-headed to be open to this guidance, that is – I will work for the things I need and want.
I will work as many jobs as I need. I will work at my writing. I will work at my fitness. And I will work to create content around all of these things that mean so much to me.
It’s easy to forget that we can create a life we deserve. It’s easy to forget that we have this ethereal ally by our side, which will support us any and every time we call upon it.
Some of my favorite famous artists and musicians did not achieve all of their renowned accomplishments on their own. They leaned on support and inspiration from a universal consciousness. I intend to do the same, no matter where life forces me to focus my effort. I will work and I will push myself, but in doing so, I will always take guidance from that higher consciousness.
You too can work hard and remain in alignment with your higher self. Consider that being ‘spiritual’ does not have to make you weak. Nor should your disciplined work harden your heart. You are capable of things you would never imagine you could do, because you’re not doing them alone. You’re supported by generations of ancestors whose presence you may be unaware of, but who are here for you, nonetheless. You have a fire within that can never be extinguished, no matter what life puts you through.
The message at the beginning of this post has been conveyed to me in fragments throughout these past couple weeks. It is a nagging feeling I’ve had, which I’ve finally been able to verbalize now that I’m in a clearer state of mind. Things have been going wrong around me, and I’ve feared that these problems are too much for us to handle. Throughout it all, that message has been in the back of my mind – too clouded by fear for me to read clearly.
These problems have shown me that I am no longer the complacent kid I’ve been all these years. Life has put me through some really tough challenges, and as I’ve risen to the occasion each time, I’ve become stronger. I’m growing up, and in doing so, I’m connecting with what you may call my ‘spirituality’ in a more authentic way.
I’m unsure what the future has in store, but I’m okay with that. No matter what happens, I will remain disciplined, consistent and unafraid to work. No more complacency. No more waiting for inspiration. I only want authenticity from here on out.
No matter what life puts me through, everything will be okay. Especially if I work to make it so.
I’ll close this the same way I opened it: with a reminder that we are not here to suffer. We are here to thrive by overcoming challenges and evolving into our best selves. We are undergoing a mental, emotional and spiritual evolution through the conquering of obstacles here in the physical. It really is incredible when you stop to think about it.
I wish you peace, love and the ability to endure anything life throws at you.
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Featured image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay