Poof Said,
Greetings and Salutations,
We are aware of those that are doing the healing and making humanity aware, whole, free, prosperous and sane. Not many of you are willing to do that. We in the realms of the celestial are forever aware of the way you knock each other down, push people around always trying to gain a foothold in the spiritual warfare area. There is no warfare. You are doing yourselves a disservice when you take this action.
You all do yourselves a favor by keeping an eye on the whole situation and doing what you can to awaken people; that is a given. People are like sheep; they follow the leader but many times do not even know what the leader believes or thinks, other than the party line.
Try to steer clear of fear porn and stay in the loop with what the white hats are doing. They have a huge job and they will bring this out in due time.
The wheels are coming off the wagons and the banks are indeed facing shortages and a lack of funds to handle the pay outs. The digital is coming to your society and it won’t work; not like they had hoped. It will be a while before that gets unraveled.
Call a spade what it is; make a diamond out of coal; find ways to deal with the ragged, tattered yellow journalism and the panic that is behind much that you read.
The deep state has become fragmented and unsure who is going to stay with their intended outcomes. Surely all can see that if you are looking. Your numbers far outweigh theirs.
Beyond that, you must continue working, developing, learning ways to be creative, do healthier eating and grow what you can; in your own favor, do it. Any effort will pay off.
Stop depending on drugs and over abundance of supplemental pills to do the work that only you can do. Meditation is a key; mindfulness is another; exercise, and hanging out with good people, especially patriots.