(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I began to piece the puzzle together. Oh, this is why he says this. And this is why he says that.
Over and over he told me and I did not get it. I was not ready for it.
On sacred partnership:
Archangel Michael: Our partnership is sacred. (1)
AAM: Understand, we are in sacred partnership, you and I, and we have been quite literally for eons and eons. (2)
On co-creative partnership:
AAM: Ours is a co-creative partnership. (3)
AAM: You have travelled with me, throughout the multiverse, and you have stood by my side, as we have gone to situations, dimensions, universes, where there had need to be or desire to be the energetic shift. (4)
What does that look like for a writer?
AAM: Know that I am right next to you. Sometimes I am typing. Sometimes I am moving your pen. Always I am whispering in your ear. (5)
That’s what sacred partnership with an archangel looks like to an embodied partner.
I’ve often talked about us all being an Ascension team. That we went to “where there had need to be or desire to be the energetic shift” is the clearest indication I’ve seen yet that such a thing as an Ascension team probably exists.
If we look at this in terms of the process of paradigmatic breakthrough, the old paradigm was that I had a job to do for the Company of Heaven and I didn’t really choose it…. There was no real experience of choice or ownership. Instead there was ample room for victimization and manipulation.
This paradigm was no longer working for me. I needed to grow up and re-choose. As I became aware of the issue, I cast the old paradigm down.
The time was ripe, I imagine, and my Board of Directors on the other side pulled the switch.
The new paradigm arose almost immediately after I broke from my attachment to the old.
I got, not as an idea, not as something I had not chosen, not as something I could manipulate to my advantage, but as something I chose back then – and rechoose now – that I was one of Archangel Michael’s co-creative partners in the area of communication(s) on this Earthly plane. (6) I’m sure there are more, but I got it as it applied to me.
What happened is best described in my article written in the midst of the experience:
“I experienced a moment of seeing clearly what I had agreed to and reaffirming my pre-birth agreement from a very deep level. I ‘owned’ the co-creative partnership. I’m no longer a victim of it (Oh, I have to do this; apparently I agreed to do that), but a co-creator and owner of it (This is my mission. This is my work).” (7)
Realization affords me the opportunity to see what’s going on from a higher vantage point – and rechoose. Now I’m at choice again and I “own” my role in upcoming events. (8)
Here the area was communication(s). I don’t need to go though this same process, I don’t think, in regards to future work in humanitarian philanthropy or with the galactics. Once done will be enough, I hope.
If not, next time I’ll shorten up the process and just rechoose, now that I know what’s missing.
I’m undoubtedly one among many co-creative partners of the archangels. I don’t seek anything as a result of it. If anything, I just want to get to work.
At the moment of realization, I accepted “leadership” and the restrictions it placed on a person. I shut the door on wiggle room.
Another way of saying that is that I entered into the context of world leadership and realized that that context may be one, after the Reval, that I live from from that moment on. As Michael said, I won’t be able to escape working on very much a global level.
I’m prepared to have how things work out on this roll of the dice be what my life is about: World leadership, co-creative partnership, creating many more co-creative partners (not with me! With the Company of Heaven!).
Is it an exclusive club? Of course not. But since you asked, there’s one factor that apparently weighs with the celestials:
Archangel Michael: Are we [archangels] in partnership with every being on the planet? Yes. But it is difficult when you are in a partnership and the other person does not realize it. So we are working with those who realize we are in partnership. And so that is why we are having these conversations. (9)
Michael said he would make the process simple for anyone who wanted to join in:
Steve Beckow: Right. It’s easy to see how I can be in this partnership, Lord, given that I and the others on InLight Radio do a radio show but it may not be as easy for other people who don’t do radio shows and things like that to know how they can be in partnership.
Archangel Michael: I will make it very simple. Choose your favorite archangel. I hope you choose me. (Both laughing) It is a good thing that we are allowed to tease and play with each other.
I would not be chastised for such a statement because we see it as a joke and that is one of the things we want you to do with us and more as well. Play with us. Joke with us. Treat us as your allies, as your best friends. Every day, simply say to me, Michael, from your heart, always from your heart, “Michael, what would you wish me to do today?”
SB: Oh, I love that direction!
AAM: It is that simple. (10)
And fun too!
I have at least germinated if not blossomed. (Pun intended.)
Creating, with the archangels, a network of co-creating partners on both sides of the dimensional curtain: That’s what was in the envelope.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Apr. 18, 2014. (Hereafter AAM.)
(2) AAM, July 13, 2018.
(3) AAM, Aug. 2, 2017.
(4) AAM, March 3, 2011.
(5) AAM, Nov. 21, 2012.
(6) “Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,”
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) As long as the rechoosing comes only from a superficial level, it has little effect.
(9) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-a-global-reset-of-values-part-22/
(10) “Remembering Who is Here and What We Know – Part 4/4,” March 28, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=343660 .