The Final Battle, The Great Awakening, the moment when the deep state realizes that they can’t win…this is when we most need to preserve our mental, physical and spiritual health and centeredness. Riccardo discusses how the transition that needs to occur will take place; the transition that brings us from the way things have been into actually having our governments be “Of the People, by the People, and for the People.”
He’s saying that “we’re literally in the last moments of mopping up.”
This is an encouraging look at what’s happening globally now, with a glance back historically at how things have played out on this planet leading up to the current wave of accountability.
SG is a veritable fount of information, and he also makes a pretty good straight man. Where else can you hear Riccardo Bosi sing the theme song for Green Acres?
Click the image above to watch…
Mr Haney is just for fun.