by Nicky Hamid
Don’t be impatient Precious Souls.
Everything is in a beautifully orchestrated Divine timing.
There IS a Great Plan of the unfolding of HUman Consciousness. No one, no sentient Being in Form or Spirit knows the exact “moments” and manner it will pan out. That is up to us All.
Each of us is adding to this momentum of transformation to Beautiful HUman just by calling in more and more Light and Becoming the Love that you are.
Many of Us have been Present here (incarnate) with a Knowing of the general drift of what would be presented to us all, for a long time. It is now coming to fruition step by step.
I wrote the following nearly 50 years ago.
“When you find yourself swirling in confusion and immersed in emotions that are unsettling your balance, Stop.
Pause. Take a breath, hand on heart. Become a witness to all that you are feeling.
Take another deep breath.
Move your awareness from your mind and gently centre it in your heart.
You are currently experiencing a moment of potential growth.
If we want to live in peace and harmony, then we have to find our centre, the source of our own life within.
As you feel into the energy that is moving through to your heart, you already know what to do.
There is simply an intelligent action emerging from deep within you.
Your choice is whether or not to allow this action to move naturally from the invisible realm of your Soul
Essence into the visible manifestation of your circumstance.
Will you allow this growth this Flow to occur?”
– excerpt from my book first printed in 1977 “Simply with Meaning”
I So Love You
PS: If you do happen to purchase this book I would love a brief comment about your experience with it in Amazon.
It helps greatly in getting these Love bombs out there to the Precious Souls in need of encouragement. Thank you.