I love this semi-cryptic description of free energy and scalar weaponry:
“In the outer regions of space…, Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form … creates solar heat and electricity – which is used for advanced weapon systems in aeronautics and satellites for classified military projects across the world.”
Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form! Let us not use the words “free energy.”
Years ago only dedicated whistleblowers like Col. Tom Bearden were talking about the use of scalar weapons and the existence of free energy. And even the use of scalar energy in healing technologies. (1)
In 2008 the Russians appear to have used scalar weapons to bring down an American TR-3B Aurora, as reported by Steve Quayle as it happened. America launched a Minuteman ICBM nuclear missile from Boseman, Montana, in retaliation, which … went nowhere…. Now how can that be? (2)
Tom Bearden reported that Chernobyl was caused by an accidental underground bleed-off of scalar energy from a Moscow location to Chernobyl’s reactors, which then exploded.
Scalar energy is rumored to have been used, alongside thermite, to bring down the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon.
Scalar or free energy is well understood by both sides. It’s only we the public who are denied knowledge of it and thus the peaceful use of it.
Granted that up till now it has been a little like volunteering to be a clay pigeon for Big Oil, (3) now the discussion is entering more popular arenas. The dark does not like exposure. Exposed people get thrown under the bus for the good of the organization. (4)
Next stop: Elon Musk introducing the subject of free energy on Twitter.
The cabal’s plans for the pandemic were many-layered and extensive. But like all their plans, they depended on having access to wealth, controlling the financial system through which wealth travelled, and controlling the media.
The cabal’s access to wealth is under attack on numerous fronts – examples are the Global Currency Reset, the Quantum Financial System, and President Trump’s EO sequestering the wealth of human-rights abusers. Without wealth, the cabal can’t operate.
The financial system they controlled is rapidly collapsing. Banks in several countries have closed. Silicon Valley Bank was only the first domino. The feeling I get is that many American banks operated on slim margins, in the name of maximizing profit.
When people started demanding their money back, or gold, the banks could not meet the demand and folded. Now that comes from someone who is not financially trained … yet.
The rumors are that control of the media is next. That could be coming with a wipe of the Internet and migration to the Starlink system.
As for the folks allegedly “personal-travelling” or in “hospital” but really migrating to the supposedly-safe nuclear bunkers, they needn’t worry. Nuclear weapons won’t operate. The only nuclear winter they’ll be surviving is a winter below ground, on whatever amenities are available.
The deep state is winding down.
(1) See “Tom Bearden: The Priore Machine and the Cure for Cancer,”
(2) Our star family will not allow any more nuclear detonations in space. I believe that prohibition now covers Gaia’s surface as well. See Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf.
(3) For example, Stanley Myers introduced a car that ran on water – and was killed for his efforts.
(4) If need be, replaced by clones or masked actors.