by Digger Barr
Damn it Jim, I’m just a country Doctor!
On a star class galaxy spaceship called the Enterprise !?!
How many people here feel like Dr. McCoy?
We are all on a star M class spaceship called Gaia.
Anybody here ready to claim their qualifications and say we are ready for the voyage?
Could you imagine the Galactics when they disclose their arrival here?
We go up to them and say, ‘Please, can you help us with this?’
And they reply, ‘Oh, back home I was just a country Doctor.’
What are our expectations?
What are our expectations of the Galactics?
Of our Doctors? Of ourselves?
We are all qualified to be here or we wouldn’t be here
It is just a matter of stepping into the role that you are willing to play.
Forget the limitations you put on yourself.
You are a Galactic being here on Spaceship Gaia.
Now what do you want to do today?
Go boldly