(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
But back to memory loss. By Sept. of that same year, my lack of memory was becoming a subject of discussion among my circle so I again approached him:
Steve: Do I have Alzheimer’s?
Archangel Michael: No.
Steve: So there’s no percentage in me going to the North Vancouver Company and going through their tests… Because I don’t, right?
AAM: No, you don’t. Now, let us be clear about this. Is there some interdimensional, is there a great deal of interdimensional and what people would think of as mental or memory slippage? The answer is yes, and you have known this for some time.
Do you have calcium or other deposits in your brain? Yes, you do. Most people do. And so … it would be a false [trail]. So [going for tests] is not a path that we are recommending that you travel upon.
What we would recommend is that you begin to work with your DNA markers to simply reset, not only your memory markers (which we have already been restoring), but also to begin to clear and claim your higher-vibrational body, which is already underway as well.
I’m doing this.
Steve: I’ve tried to visualize myself running companies or speaking for the cameras with this amount of memory slippage and I think, “Oh my gosh. It’s too embarrassing.” To forget what I’m saying in the middle of a sentence.
AAM: We understand. But also know that in many ways you will be the power behind the scenes. So it is not that we are asking you to become a media star for you will have staff and people that are assisting you that will fully enjoy that type of activity.
And there are many others, also communicators and teachers, who also will enjoy being front and center, in front of cameras, etc. That is not your pleasure. (1)
This is a relief! As matters stand, I don’t do interviews any more anyways. It’s too embarrassing to forget what you were saying in the middle of a sentence.
By May 13, 2020, I was concerned again, this time that I’d have enough memory to do a complicated financial job. I needed reassurance once again.
Steve: Now my memory will return once I’m involved in financial things, is that correct?
Archangel Michael: Your memory will be sufficient. You are swimming in the Mother’s Infinite Ocean of Time and very often you feel that you are swimming so fast that you get caught in the riptides and you don’t remember where shore is. Yes, you will have adequate memory.
Steve: Sometimes my memory goes completely blank and I can’t remember a word or can’t remember what I was saying.
AAM: So make sure, Sweet One, that you are [anchoring] adequately because you are travelling inter-dimensionally. Where those lapses tend to occur is when you are shifting dimensions. And so make sure that you are deeply anchored into your Mother Gaia. (2)
I’m beginning to understand what he’s saying now. The use of the word “travelling” threw me. I’m not actually packing my bag and going somewhere so “travelling” as a metaphor never fit for me.
What I’m doing is I’m experiencing love and bliss and these are higher-dimensional states. And, yes, I can imagine that this elevation of experience may be what’s causing me to lose focus and forget.
We had our final discussion on it on June 17, 2020, motivated by continuing concern from others, but also because it looked like the Reval was near and so my own concern was also mounting.
Steve: When will my memory come back?
Archangel Michael: It comes and it goes. You are focusing on what you have need to focus on. Think of it. You are part of the strategy that we are employing to change the face of humanity!
Steve: In what way, Lord?
AAM: Because you focus on the moment. You focus on what is directly in front of you and important, not on the list of various things that may or may not need your attention and your full regard.
This was good advice: Be in the moment. I can let go of the list. I like that.
Steve: My big concern is that I’ll be head of a large organization and have no memory.
AAM: And you think that we would leave you helpless?
Steve: No, I hope not.
AAM: No, dear heart, that is not the plan.
Steve: Oh good! Even knowing there is a plan is comforting.
AAM: There is not only a plan, Sweet One. There is a strategy afoot to implement the plan. (3)
Knowing that there was a plan allowed me to let the subject go.
As an aside, I actually took a test for memory loss with my GP more recently and scored 100%.
When I was young, I used to have a photographic memory. I could reconstruct a conversation from memory. I could see a quote on a page in my mind’s eye. And of course I just assumed that was normal.
It’s a long way down to forgetting why I went into the kitchen. Again very humbling, which is all good.
I see now, after my Zoom call with two other forgetful people, that we may all be in this together.
Med beds will restore our memories. We only have to get from here to there.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 7, 2019. [Hereafter AAM.]
(2) AAM, May 13, 2020.
(3) Ibid., June 17, 2020,