This is a very long article and I’m not saying I personally agree with all of it. But the author’s approach is thought-provoking.
Obviously I don’t think we’re headed for hell in a handbasket, as he appears to, but we are in for a great deal more turmoil than I think anyone anticipated. Thomas helps us to see the chains of events that led to this chaos.
He doesn’t know about NESARA, the Divine Plan, free energy, etc. And he reaches a dire conclusion. But the way his mind works is what I’m drawing attention to. I consider his article artistically done. And, yes, a mite long, but worth it.
I believe Thomas lives in Germany.
Thomas Anderson: Chains of Events
Operation Disclosure, 9 October 2022
We see, at the moment, how from the fog of the past some covertly-started event chains slowly reveal themselves to the eye of the observer. …
I would like to point out some of these chains of events to you today, so that you can prepare yourself accordingly, or other people who have not yet been granted the opportunity to perceive these chains of events can read this text.
Chains of events are each a series of events that, triggered by a single event or a series of initial events, play out as logically or technically and / or organizationally and / or politically and / or militarily compelling in their sequence.
I take a match and light a single newspaper and place the burning newspaper on an airy pile of dry wood.
The chain of events I want will set the pile of dry wood on fire and, if I don’t do anything about it, will necessarily burn it down to ashes.
This chain of events can be stopped. For example, by pouring water over it and extinguishing the fire.
However, if I soak the wood in gasoline beforehand or destroy the water pipes in the reachable surroundings and am not near a watercourse, then I will not be able to extinguish the fire for lack of technical possibilities.
So much for the introduction.
We see, at the moment, how from the fog of the past some covertly-started event chains slowly reveal themselves to the eye of the observer.
We see, for example, that in the course of the last 2 decades NATO has expanded right up to Russia’s borders (which was explicitly called a (possible) provocation by Russia even then.
We see after months of tug-of-war about gas supplies from Russia the blowing up of gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea (apparently by the Americans) to create facts here that leave no more room for any kind of energy partnership of Europe with Russia in this area in the short term.
We see arms deliveries to [redacted] from the West,
We see “refugee flows” from [redacted], astonishingly often of black skin, pouring into Europe and here in particular largely into Germany.
We see an overwhelming financial commitment by Europe, and again especially by Germany, to take care of these refugees and give them a warm welcome.
All this is happening while in Germany and also in the rest of Europe one company after the other, sometimes after many years or even decades, sometimes even after more than 100 years, is going out of business due to costs that have risen so excessively and so quickly that they have nothing left to counter insolvency, or are facing it in a way that the German Minister of Economics so eloquently described, simply not insolvent, but “just” closing their doors before it is too late.
I would like to point out some of these chains of events to you today, so that you can prepare yourself accordingly, or other people who have not yet been granted the opportunity to perceive these chains of events can read this text.
Europe’s industry needs electricity and gas as energy sources. Germany, with its economy, is indisputably the “locomotive” of the European economy. But that does not mean that other countries do not have equally important industries with very many jobs.
Electricity is generated by nuclear power, by coal-fired power plants, by gas-fired power plants and by wind power plants.
Due to political decisions, coal-fired power plants have been taken off the grid, in some cases after only a few years of operation, using state-of-the-art technology, and are even being hastily demolished in some cases, apparently in order to destroy any technical possibility of a political turnaround here as well.
Gas-fired power plants are largely on the brink of extinction, simply because there is no gas.
Wind power plants are in the midst of an unprecedented wave of plants requiring maintenance because the rotor blades have a certain maintenance interval and life span before they need to be replaced. This is the case for many turbines now and in the next few years. But even if the wind turbines all ran 24 hours a day in gale force winds, they wouldn’t even begin to provide enough electricity for German industry.
Nuclear power plants are to be taken off the grid as part of the phase-out of nuclear power and are also falling away piece by piece. And by the way: in case of a blackout and no wind, strong wind can come up then, the wind turbines won’t turn a millimeter: they need electricity from outside to start up…!
Although an operation in “reserve mode” is discussed politically, it is technical nonsense and impossible according to experts, because a start-up of the nuclear power plants is not possible by the hour, but only after 8 days. I.e. a “silent operation in reserve mode” and “nuclear power plants that can be switched on hourly on demand” are politically motivated mental diarrhea that only serves as eyewash.
So, since in the past, at the right time, the wind power plants came up in a very short time, since the nuclear power plants have been taken off the grid, and since the gas supply for the gas-fired power plants is no longer sufficient for operation due to the blowing up and closing of the various pipelines from Russia, the German industrial landscape and also private households are facing a shortage of electricity.
And since gas is absolutely necessary for some purposes in the industrial sector (glass industry, steel industry) and also in the private sector (gas heaters cannot be operated with electricity), these areas of application are facing massive operating problems.
This means that German heavy industry is practically facing extinction in the short term.
In a nutshell.
We are talking about thousands and thousands of jobs and world-leading know-how.
These companies can simply “shut down” or they can relocate.
A move away, i.e. a relocation of production facilities, is a very big cut and usually not reversible.
Migration only works to an area where the problems that led to the migration do not occur.
In this case, therefore, possibly countries like Russia or the USA, both accidental wartime opponents of the German Reich.
India or China would also be possible, although traditionally and culturally these countries would tend to be excluded.
A shortage of electricity and gas, and in turn an increased shortage of electricity due to a shortage of gas, leads to a simple regulatory mechanism in a market economy: prices are raised until those who can no longer afford the fun save enough to buy electricity again, but only as much as they can afford, and those who can afford everything continue to live as before, only with increased costs.
The same is true for businesses. An example often discussed in the media here is bakeries. These need a lot of gas for their ovens.
The gas becomes more expensive and no one will buy a roll for 3 euros anymore.
So here, too, many companies are avoiding insolvency by closing down.
Mass closure of food production companies on a large and small scale means on the one hand a massive increase in unemployment, which is usually accompanied by a loss of purchasing power, and on the other hand a shift of the demand originally satisfied by these companies to other, usually larger companies. These then have to increase their production, which will lead to increased energy demand, which in turn will eventually lead to higher costs in their energy budgets, which in turn will eventually be passed on to prices, which in turn will lead to rising prices with declining purchasing power.
And not only the food industry suffers with the heavy industry, also the chemical industry has a VERY high demand for gas to run various petrochemical and chemical processes. Chemical industry, that is e.g. paints, lacquers, industrial gases (for welding etc.), but last but not least it hits here also the refineries, which produce fuels for our traffic vehicles and also the fertilizer industry.
The fertilizer industry, in turn, will not be able to produce the amount of fertilizer necessary for a functioning agriculture in the short term (there have already been closures in this area).
This is already a fact.
And the chain of events set in motion by this, with grain and vegetable stores now still full, causes agricultural production to become insufficient next year.
“No longer sufficient” means: there is either no longer enough growing in the fields or it is no longer of sufficient quality.
“No longer sufficient quality” in cereals means, for example, that the protein content falls below 11% (it has been this year already clear close and partly below 11% and you can NOT make bread from it below 11%.
The “baking properties” are no longer present.
So: the farmers plant, but it grows too little and / or in insufficient quality. The consequence: there is less to eat.
And right NOW, 45 million chickens have just been culled in Europe because the EU has declared the “largest ever bird flu epidemic”.
You don’t hear anything about this in the news.
Just as little about the food factories that surprisingly went up in flames in the USA, which one after the other have fallen out of the production chain due to “accidents,” as well as Europe’s largest fresh food market in Paris, which suddenly burned down a few days ago.
The consequence: the little that is still available is becoming more expensive. With incomes falling or no longer available. and fewer and fewer production, storage and trading facilities.
Among other things, the chemical industry also produces “AdBlue”, a fuel additive that has been a mandatory part of vehicles with diesel engines for several years. This additive ensures cleaner exhaust gases and without a full AdBlue tank, the diesel engines, although actually functional, no longer start due to the mandatory query in the engine control system. The consequence: the modern trucks, in Europe approx. 30 million (!) do not drive any more without AdBlue.
The consequence: the already scarce, still available, overpriced foodstuffs and also the industrial goods, from the industrial branches, which so far neither suffered from gas shortage, nor from the strongly increased purchase and logistics prices on the world market, will not be able to be transported on the roads any more, thus also not to be sold.
As a result, these companies will also suffer from a sharp drop in sales on the one hand, and on the other hand, with rising costs for transport and raw materials, they will increase their prices sharply and at some point will no longer be able to sell their goods.
Let’s take the example from the beginning again.
Here it was still possible to extinguish the fire with a little water.
However, since the gas pipelines were destroyed, the gas flowing through them cannot be replaced so easily in quantity.
So “extinguishing the fire” does not work like that here.
One could only convert gas heaters to electric heaters.
This would require a considerable expansion of the power grids and their capacity, as well as in power production.
But exactly the opposite is the case.
So we can’t get the “fire” out here either.
And we could convert the industries that have been heating with gas to electricity, which would, however, make the problem just mentioned with private households much worse.
One possibility remains for the European gas demand.
There is a huge oil field in the Netherlands. This could easily cover gas needs for decades to come.
However, this field has been “shut down.” One of the arguments (no doubt gratefully dismissed) was that there had been cracks in the walls and even collapses of some houses in the area in question. Another, probably the more predominantly important one, was the simple political decision to do it that way.
After all, before Russia built its pipelines, supply from this Dutch gas field was not a problem for anyone.
One could only almost think that all these neatly interlocking cogs of an inevitable coming economic catastrophe had been prepared by a very long hand, because even after a long time of thinking, I can’t think of any area that would not be affected, or that, if only marginally affected and actually salvageable, was deliberately slowed down and brought down by legal regulations in the context of bee protection, water purity, traffic calming or the like.
Understand me correctly: of course it is important that bees survive, that we have clean waters, that we try to regulate traffic differently and better and safer.
The goal here must be to find such solutions that allow a smooth transition from one situation to the next without killing people and animals.
An example.
European farmers, in the midst of this food crisis (which has already begun), are being asked by the EU to set aside 20% ( !) of their arable land.
Not in order to plant bee-friendly flowers, but to leave them completely fallow and the cultivation of bee-friendly flowers is even punished! Here the goal is obviously not to promote the bee population, but simply to cause as much damage as possible.
There are promotion funds obviously soon only for farmers, who do not cultivate anything at all.
First, for decades, the most nonsensical regulations (what shape must (!) a banana or cucumber have, what minimum dimensions, etc., so that it may be sold(!)) promoted the mass waste and destruction of food, which has led to a huge increase in the use of factory farming, fertilizers and radical sorting out of non-standard crops, since the fruits and vegetables that meet the nonsensical standards make up only a small percentage of the actual harvest. Now this mass production is radically thwarted by the absence or prohibition of fertilizers.
The consequence: the know-how lost over the last decades for the completely normal cultivation has fallen into oblivion, the farmers stand in masses before the end, a normal production as before cannot be maintained because of missing fertilizer, the conversion from the mass economy to the quality economy requires investments, these were so not foreseeable or planned, thus with rising costs the money is missing, the production sinks with rising demand and the enterprises close despite rising prices because of missing offer.
Let’s move on to the next unsavory chain of events.
There was no excess mortality at the beginning of the Corona “pandemic.” Corona is flu and has been known to people and their bodies for thousands of years. The “completely harmless and very effective” vaccination with a “sufficiently tested” (on 8 mice, for example) vaccine recommended by politicians under pressure from pharma and the WEF is now turning out to be not only ineffective even to the fellow travelers of the system in terms of protection against a Corona / flu illness, but on top of that, exceedingly harmful to the natural immune system.
Quietly, for example, the CDC has removed one nonsensical claim after another from its website, presumably to counteract liability issues.
I have been pointing out the dangers of this so-called vaccination from the beginning and very vehemently, and you, dear reader, have probably been doing so for a very long time.
Nevertheless, willy-nilly, we have to talk about this chain of events.
In key words, it looks like this:
Officially, more than a billion people have been vaccinated.
The side effects and long-term effects, which have become more and more apparent over time, have now led to a 16% excess mortality rate in Europe.
I.e. people die earlier and faster than “before Corona”, or “before vaccination” to be precise here.
Contrary to what was claimed until recently on the CDC, this vaccination and mRNA gene manipulation, is actually transmissible through breast milk.
So, on the one hand, we see people dying earlier, and on the other hand, even the smallest already damaged at the earliest possible stage and permanently deprived of their ability to resist the simplest diseases, because their immune systems have been weakened to such an extent that the excess mortality now at 16% (officially…!!!) is likely to rise very quickly into the 20 or 30% range.
This affects all age groups.
No matter how you, dear reader, now feel about WEF, NWO or White Hats or other terms: this chain of events is set in motion.
We are facing WORLDWIDE, with particular emphasis on so-called Western or predominantly “white” populated countries, the fact that workers are simply dying off. One by one. And faster and faster. You may not notice this effect so seriously now, but the mathematical precision with which this process will accelerate, cannot be conjured away.
So: Workers die away, raw materials become more expensive, logistics chains are interrupted or / and slower / and more expensive, prices rise, incomes fall, food becomes scarce …
The more and more dead cannot be burned in crematoria at normal prices, because the gas is missing.
The electricity to cool the corpses is also missing. The staff in the hospitals has been force-vaccinated to MILLIONS and is itself already under the pressure of an already multiplied sickness and the inevitable following collapse of their immune systems. Sooner or later.
And in the midst of this crisis, hospitals are being closed (!) en masse in Europe, emergency departments in clinics are being dissolved or are only open on weekdays because there is simply a lack of personnel. At the same time, it is politically gleefully evaluated that during the Corona “pandemic” the intensive care units of hospitals were considerably fuller than ever before.
Of course, it is not mentioned that those intensive care units of hospitals closed in parallel in the vicinity of the respective clinic had to take over all patients from their now no longer existing intensive care units, so actually one should rather speak of a decrease of intensive care patients.
The decrease in the number of staff, the reduction in the number of clinics, the restriction of the opening hours of these clinics, in turn, means for those who are still healthy that they can no longer be properly provided for in an emergency in the hospital, so that they are exposed to an increased risk even here without vaccination, which, statistically speaking, will inevitably lead to an even greater mortality, which in this area is completely without corona or vaccination.
Dear reader,
I hope I am wrong, but what I see allows only one conclusion: the planners of the NWO and the population reduction have done a great job.
The consequences are VISIBLE and from my point of view, in the absence of any visible remedies for the THEN damage done, NOT REVERSIBLE.
This means that in a few years, I expect 2 or 3 years, we will see a massive decline in population,
with a simultaneous MASSIVE decline in industrial production, falling incomes, rising prices, rising unemployment, collapsing health care systems and on and on.
In parallel, we can see yet another chain of events developing.
For decades the Chinese delivered goods to the USA and were paid with promissory bills. “US BONDS.” And of course with DOLLAR, which in the end is nothing else. The Chinese have now started last week to sell ALL their US BONDS and DOLLAR. Piece by piece. At a high rate. With a targeted goal of completing these sales in less than a year.
Even if you are not an economics professional, you will be able to understand that this will put VERY STRONG pressure on the value of the US dollar.
The debt of the USA has already reached 31 trillion USD, now they can buy less and less with their dollar (and the Euro is strongly linked to this development) (look at the exchange rate development against the Swiss Franc).
So the US will have to print even more money to be able to buy less and less with it. The downward spiral will turn into a death spiral for the dollar in a few months.
And, to top it off… on top of that, there is a parallel banking crisis.
A kind of “Lehman Brothers crisis on steroids”.
Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and many more in the USA and Asia have been virtually broke for months.
They are keeping their heads above water with accounting tricks and a lot of criminal energy. One house search follows the next and almost weekly there are new arrests in the circle of highly paid managers and traders of these banks.
The share prices speak volumes here, too.
Anyone who still has an account there is advised to close it as soon as possible.
This advice applies to basically any type of bank account anyway.
If one of these above-mentioned banks fails, or even triggers a small chain reaction and all three or even more banks fail, then no bailout, no matter how big, will help, then we are not talking about a Black Friday, but a Black Month with a very white following month (because of all the scorched earth and ash….).
Then you can be happy if you NOW have sold all your stocks, paid out your life insurance and invested in gold and silver,
Your real estate, by the way, is unfortunately no longer a very safe thing. Because also here the governments have provided worldwide…
On the one hand, the suppliers of the mRNA vaccines were granted immunity from any criminal prosecution and claims for damages,
on the other hand, because of the foreseeable and expected(!) wave of lawsuits because of the vaccination damages, “the general public” / “the taxpayer” was taken into liability and duty.
For this laws were prepared world-wide, which provide for the mass expropriation of private houses, in order to be able to compensate the poor vaccination victims in the context of an oh so socially just and socially necessary “burden equalization”.
Of which there are MILLIONS and will be even more.
So be sure: they will come!
There are a few more of these chains of events, but I will close at this point so as not to depress you further.
What is in store for us?
Are you sure you have taken good precautions?