The next volume in our Basic Library is Transformative Awareness and the Constructed Self, from which this article comes.
How to walk the awareness path and set ourselves free from the issues and upsets that hide the Self.
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What can one say in the face of so much suffering in the world?
The suffering is visible in the Ukraine, but it’s not visible in so many other countries, especially in the persecution of women and children.
We now see how extensive their trafficking is. If you were to watch, say, Frazzeldrip (and I don’t advise it), you’d see how evil the treatment of trafficked people can be. Just pure and unimaginable evil.
What can one say?
Nothing. Except that it must end.
I have only myself to work with, really. I can’t pull any levers or make any phone calls. Where am I in my life with abusing and controlling people?
Are you kidding? I used my temper to push people around most of my life. Who am I to speak?
The Mother’s Divine Plan will unfold. It just won’t follow this channel. Me pretending to have a useful word on what to do in the world as it is today? I don’t.
I know what to do internally. Just not externally. I’ll probably follow the monk’s path and gradually let most external things go, following Lao Tzu’s counsel:
“The Way is gained by daily loss,
Loss upon loss until
At last comes rest.” (1)
It’ll be good to trim down. And I know this is not going to last. I’ll make myself useful until it lifts.
My life will be simpler and simpler. I seem to be meditating more and more, as well. I feel peaceful as it is. I just cannot afford to abandon peace any longer to follow the ego. The times demand a different response, I think.
Internally, I know that response. There’s no more time for indulging in egoic things. Let me use the example of entitlement, which has certainly been a major stumbling block for me in my life, to illustrate an old attitude that has to go.
Entitlement produces residue; it murders peace. It seems to be founded in arrogance, a false and overblown sense of one’s self.
It’s not useful in today’s environment. If it ever was. Not peaceful, loving, or true.
Let me go further. We’re entitled to nothing and we’re entitled to everything.
It depends on what level of reality we’re talking about. As incarnations of God, we’re entitled to everything and, at an absolute level, we inherit it.
But we operate on an everyday level and there we’re entitled to far less.
We’re not entitled to harm another. All other non-entitlements flow from that, it seems to me.
Not entitled to monopolize wealth and resources; that would harm others.
Not entitled to prevent others from worshipping as they please; that would also harm others.
We’re not entitled to start a fight with a bank teller, as I watched the other day.
On the street, behaving like that is said to be “having an overblown ego.” Humility is the medicine. And humility can come from being in a car crash and ending up unable to move without the kind help of others or it can come from a change of mind and a change of heart, at a very deep level – and hold the car crash. (2)
I for my part am tired of what my own entitlement has brought me. I see entitlement as not serving me.
It’s an example of an old attitude that was tolerated in my day and just is no longer appropriate. Not good or bad. Just not useful.
Time to go another way.
For me that other way is keeping faith in the Divine Plan and helping out wherever I can, abandoning what doesn’t work and focusing on cultivating peace, love, and truth.
(1) Lao-Tzu, The Way of Life (Tao Te Ching). Trans. R.B. Blakney. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1955, 48, 101.
(2) See “Changed My Mind,” September 6, 2021, at and “Open Road; Not a Scrap of Resistance,” October 7, 2020, at
Download Transformative Awareness and the Constructed Self here:
Transformative Awareness and the Constructed Self