Democracies are slow to rouse themselves but once aroused they have a strength, cohesiveness, and purposefulness that totalitarian dictatorships usually lack.
Those who opt for abuse and control are subject to opposing forces which gradually reduce them to decrepitude. The Divine Mother explains:
“It is painful for a being that seeks power for themselves or power over another, whether it is a parent over a child, a husband over a wife, a man over an army, it matters not. The yearning [for], the exercise of control never gives joy. The pain simply grows. And so the actions become more grotesque, larger, until the breakdown is and has [been] and will be occurring.” (1)
The image that always comes to my mind is of the decrepit Adolf Hitler, hiding his left hand shaking, as he shambles along.
For me, the secret weapon of the British people going into World War II – as a people, not as an imperlialist government – was their decency. That level of goodness allowed them to bond in their common turning to the enemy in a way that Nazi soldiers, once aware of atrocities being committed, could never do.
Decades ago, what I’m saying would sound like Polyanna. But we know now, as the energies rise and timelines diverge, that decency really does cut it. Decency in our relations with each other will win the day and the Freedom Convoy in Canada is proving it.
If their campaign succeeds as they hope it will, I contend it will the victory of decency. (2)
They’re observing law and custom. They’re for the most part not being rowdy. Some are voicing obscenities but, short of agents provocateurs in police-issue boots, I don’t anticipate any violence. Canadians have so far not gravitated towards violence.
By the time they reach Ottawa I believe their demands will have expanded and refined themselves. You and I know that the Trudeau government will eventually be replaced as all governments will, under G/NESARA, so I can afford to wait.
Nonetheless, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Prime Minister Trudeau resign as a result of the occupation of Ottawa. Those who are controlling him may throw him under the bus to try to prevent the whole house of cards coming tumbling down.
Whatever the final form of their demands is, the truckers’ convoy has clearly struck a chord with Canadians. They’re turning out in support of the truckers all along the way. In my view, they’re saying that they’re tired of restrictions and misery over a condition which impacts perhaps one percent of the population and is no more virulent than a bad seasonal cold.
Oh, and I forgot. One that is easily curable with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.
(1) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at
(2) The best summary I could give of decency would be the guidelines offered by Robert Fulghum here:
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten