by Charles Eisenstein w/ Jon Hopkins & Aubrey Marcus
With an intro by the folks who sent this lovely film to us ~
Greetings All:
This is a power-filled short film describing the past, present, … and a brief glimpse of the future, for many of us on Mother Earth and within Humanity. Attached below is a true depth of the ‘Spirit Medicine’ many of us need to hear and remember during this confusing time. So many as yet ‘un-awakened’ Earth Humans, our brothers and sisters, have been feeling ‘anxious, sad, and alone’ ~ in the midst of all the ‘chaos and the insanity’ – being broadcast around the Planet.
Herein, we are being reminded that there are many of us awakened ‘Tribal Members’ Now consciously grounding the Light and beginning to understand what a privileged it is to be of Service to Our Mother’s Love/Light.
The Tribes are gathering! We do have a purpose! We have come as the ‘Spirit Warriors’ we are, in Service to All That Is! Perhaps you, too, will recognize yourself as a part of this growing group.
Blessings Kim and Tuck
Aubrey Marcus:
My tears always come from a revelation of hidden truth. As if the frames of perception themselves liquidate out of my eyes so I can see clearly again. This story made me cry the first time I read it in Charles Eisenstein’s book, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible” and every time I have watched it since. Because to me, it is a true story. Whether actually true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter.
It is time for us to come together. To gather, to rise, to love, to LIVE! You are not alone. I promise you, you are not alone.