The Complexity of Climate Change – Part 1/3
by Francesca
A grand saga is unfolding upon our planet as we ascend from 3D to 5D consciousness, from darkness, dissension and duality into Oneness.
Many stories weave together as we journey along the Ascension path, from pitched battles to oust the cabal from their ancient stranglehold of Earth, to countless inspired lightworkers helping create a beautiful new world that honors all Life.
Climate Change is a central part of this epic – but discord ensues when different voices declare their version of events to be the main “truth.”
Remember – Duality is the hallmark of 3D, and dividing us against each other is the gleeful modus operandi of the cabal! Unity and harmony are the inspiration of angels, overlighting both our journey and our destination as an Ascended Planet, the jewel of galaxies.
The Celestials and our Star Family have revealed several driving forces behind climate change, as seen from higher realms. Different lightworkers may resonate to different of these forces – but rather than being mutually exclusive, they all form one coherent whole.
Understanding this helps us rise above dissension into harmony. Energetically, that is the surest way to vanquish the cabal and hasten Ascension.
Four major factors driving Climate Change are –
- Gaia moving toward a moderate climate worldwide, as She creates a planetary Garden of Eden
- Releasing accumulated negative energy via earthquakes, floods, violent storms, etc.
- Weather manipulation technology unleashed by the cabal
- Pollution
The First Contact database at this website provides a wealth of detail on Earth Changes and Climate Change. Much of the following information is drawn from this wonderful resource. (1)
(Continued in Part 2)
(1) “Earth Changes/Earth Restoration/Transformation of Gaia” at
and “Weather Changes/Global Warming/Temperate Worldwide Climate” at