We’re watching around us a global elite that is fixated on a desire to control – no, really to enslave – the human population, after reducing their numbers through pandemics, vaccines, 5G networks, chemtrails, GMO foods, and so on. If they could be, some of them acknowledge wanting to be masters of the universe.
There’s a sense in which my life is fine until other people come into the picture.
I’m partly kidding but partly not.
When people come into my life, I lose the ability to easily have what I want. I have to share and sometimes give up getting what I wanted.
When that happened in the past when I was selfish, I took steps to return things to equilibrium; i.e., to have my own way.
I tried persuasion.
I might mildly imply a cost to disagreement.
I might strut and posture in a mock threat display.
OK. Let’s stop there.
I didn’t haul out a truncheon and beat people like an SS street thug.
I didn’t murder someone like the mafia.
However, most of what differentiated me from them in this area were the lengths we might go to. Going for control was the same.
Most things like this that we do, we do outside our conscious awareness. We do it in the background of consciousness and agree with ourselves to mask and disguise what we’re doing.
Oh no, we’re not trying to control; we’re just saying……. When of course we are going for control.
We’re watching around us a global elite that is fixated on a desire to control – no, really to enslave – the human population, after reducing their numbers through pandemics, vaccines, 5G networks, chemtrails, GMO foods, and so on. If they could be, some of them acknowledge wanting to be masters of the universe.
The desire to control others will drop away after Ascension. But we can see that the situation with the cabal is pushing us to drop it earlier.
In an ascended world, people are suffused with love. Sanat Kumara suggests the change that would bring in people towards governance:
“With Love — and I am not talking as some would say pie in the sky — I am talking the practicality of living the Mother’s Love – with that comes the elimination – yes, not decentralization, not the softening – the elimination of structures that want to control.” (1)
“The Mother’s Love” – So not what passes for love on our dimension. That level of love, so to speak, will not fuel any kind of social awareness of governance. But what Sanat Kumara calls “the Mother’s Love” will.
In the end, there’s no need to control anyone because one always, already has what one chiefly wants. People are free to find something else to do than control others.
When you have all you want in limitless quantities, endlessly, what more is there to do?
The answer: Enjoy life. Share the love. Be yourself.
Fly a scoutship. Tour the deep ocean. Travel in outer space.
Be the magnificent soul you always were and were languishing for lack of love, which you now see flows inside you in a continuous inner tsunami of love.
Like Eckhart’s man sitting unawares on a box containing gold, we live with a heart in which love flows freely – even copiously. And we aren’t generally aware of it. The love is there for us to breathe up and share with the world.
As Robin Williams so shrewdly said: Reality! What a concept! It’s way more than that, but the way life is designed, the concept behind it is magnificent and the experience completely satisfying. (1)
(1) “Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us,” January 30, 2017, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, https://counciloflove.com/2017/01/sanat-kumara-on-the-changes-happening-to-us/.
(2) On that subject, see “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan,”