(5) Is JFK Jr. “A Man of God”? From Telegram:
…🆔 @JFK_Q17
🆔 @JFK_Q17
I couldn’t keep the tears back, reading the Declaration. (1)
A Declaration is nothing of course without our agreement. It’s just writing on … a computer screen.
We have to get behind it. Therefore do consider circulating it far and wide.
It accomplishes so many things. My mind is racing faster than I can get the thoughts down.
First of all, as a friend said, it announces the presence of the collective (which we know as the Alliance) opposing the deep state. It also gives evidence to us that someone is opposing the fraudulent elections, pandemic/vaccine depopulation, financial enslavement of the populace, weather warfare, child trafficking, satanism, and everything else that originates with the deep state.
Second, it establishes the political foundation of the resistance by adopting the format of the Declaration of Independence. It connects up with and brings forward the spirit of the original document and the entire movement behind it. Everyone now knows whom the Alliance represents. It’d be hard to label it un-American, communist, or a conspiracy theory.
Third, it brings together many of the common complaints we have against the cabal – fraudulent elections, treason, depopulation, etc. – in one place. Amazing how it focuses the mind.
There are several areas left out but I’d imagine the Alliance probably carefully chose what would and wouldn’t forward the action at this time.
Fourth, it deems this to be a worldwide movement since the cabal are worldwide. It invites the entire world to make this their declaration.
There’s deemed to be strength in numbers. Numbers have always been what most strategists look at – numbers and logistics.
The large number of people in the world who’ll agree with this Declaration, I predict, will convince those persuaded by numbers that resistance, as the phrase goes, is futile.
You and I know it’s futile. We know the Divine Plan. (2) But the dark hats have been stubborn.
Fifth, it comes five days before the 20th Anniversary of 9/11. Impeccable timing, ladies and gentlemen. You and I know that 9/11, besides being an international tragedy and the start of a round of exploitative Middle-East wars, was also the day NESARA (the National Economic Security and Reformation Act) was to be announced to the world – at 10:00 am from the World Trade Center. (3)
At 9:00 AM, an object of disputed nature slammed into the WTC at precisely where the NESARA team was assembled. And the rest is history. (4)
History included no NESARA. No new financial system. No change of power from the old guard to the People.
For me, a war is going on in the world and not a shot has been fired in public in its name. Yes, bombs have gone off; cities have been flooded; half of my province seems alight.
Not all flooding is cabal weather warfare. Some of it has been to close off, forever, deep underground military bunkers where child trafficking and adrenochrome production have been transpiring (removing the people first, I hope).
But next to no one among the general public is connecting the dots. A Man of God connects the dots for them.
All this is going on while we sit at home, ready and waiting for the next step in the removal of the cabal.
The revival of my spirit that I felt upon reading this document is altogether most welcome. I heartily support the Declaration.
(1) Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity, Sept. 6, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/09/06/declaration-of-the-people-of-the-united-states-for-global-peace-and-prosperity/
(2) See “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan (Repost),” Sept. 7, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=326126
For more background, see “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Reposted),” Dec. 4, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/12/04/spiritual-evolution-the-divine-plan-for-life-reposted/ and “What is the Purpose of Life?” February 24, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/02/24/306794/
(3) On NESARA, see What is NESARA? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/What-is-NESARA-R2.pages.pdf
(4) On 9/11, see “9/11 and Other Black Operations” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Near_Victory_of_the_Dark#9.2F11_and_Other_Black_Operations