August 26, 2021,
LIGHT blasts are continuing to activate the geomagnetic systems of Earth/Gaia and the entire galaxy.
They are derived from a “Cosmic Concert” of various energetics such as the solar flares, solar winds, solar plasma particles, the Photon Belt, the Great Central Sun, other phenomena and also from powerful explosions of LIGHT from beyond our solar system.
Because so many types of cosmic occurrences are extant such as New and Full Moon portals, planetary retrograde portals, the Lion’s Gate portal, eclipse portals, seasonal change portals, etc., humanity is always acclimating to cosmic LIGHT blasts.
To reiterate important information, first, human consciousness increases which causes a realization that previous ways of thinking and believing must be re-visited and newer understandings reached.
Next, almost simultaneously, human emotions become either anxious about the new realities or excited about them—usually a bit of both types of feelings ensue.
Finally, subsequent to changing of mental and emotional states, the physical vessel begins to stir with transformative energy—both inside and out. All of this leads to the ever-discussed “Light Activation Symptoms”.
As we acquire a general idea of the happenings in space from technological equipment, the more potent power thrusts cannot be completely detected by them, and sometimes what is indeed detected is so amazing from what has been previously seen that scientists are astounded and due to their training, of course, seek further understanding.
It is always a good thing to seek further knowledge within the material parameters we know—from books, lectures, experimentation, etc.—because all of this comprises research.
However, at some point, we must realize that the more we think we know, the more that there is yet to know.
We must not rush the “knowing” because we are still coming “on-line” as our DNA is re-configured—made multi-stranded.
Interferences may still arise from those who have yet to realize that they are not the authors or sustainers of creation even if they have achieved key positions in certain arenas such as government offices, educational titles, medical leadership, etc.
Only when such individuals respect SOURCE FREQUENCY and are guided by sacred principles and accordingly humble themselves can there be a true collective leveling-up. In the “kindwhile” (instead of the term “meanwhile”), SOURCE allows those who are making a sincere effort to follow the messages of the HIGHER SELF—the SOUL—the DIVINE WITHIN—to be given powerful doses of LIGHT and to elevate beyond “3d” chaos.
Does this result in those with a lowered consciousness vibration being left out of the transformational process? No it does not.
They will continue to receive “invitations” to elevate, but they have the free will to refuse the “invitation”. Earth/Gaia and the entire galaxy is surging up higher anyway!
Very interesting phenomena is steadily showing-up on our Sun. Just several hours ago, a dark filament erupted that had a bright spark of LIGHT to it.
This sounds fantastic because the average thought is: “How can darkness contain LIGHT at the same time?” Here, however, is where remembering what the term “Guru” translates to: “One Who Brings LIGHT from Darkness”.
When we ponder metaphysically, we come to the understanding that the cosmos is indeed a message bringer—a COSMIC HOLY BOOK—as has been discussed before.
The blast of this filament hours ago is being labeled as a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) because of its obvious solar electromagnetism. LIGHT is often hidden in darkness like the eventual coming dawn hidden within the blackness of night.
Thus, as humanity traverses the experiences of this planetary realm, there is brightness gradually showing forth in a larger percentage of the collective, although at times it may not seem so.
As summer fades into autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and winter into spring in the Southern Hemisphere, there will be an upsurge in people taking sides on certain issues politically, sociologically, medically, etc.
Many people will be given the ultimatum to either be “vaxxed”, for example, or be without employment or an opportunity to attend school.
One ancient teaching (among many) which has always proven true whenever a search of history is done, is that whenever a planet (in this case we are particularly concerned with Earth/Gaia) is “out-of-order”, SOURCE sends “ITSELF” in various ways as a correction. Warning messages are always sent beforehand.
The messages are the “invitations” to level-up mentioned earlier. Such is the mercy of SOURCE.
There are “extra-galactic” entities who are far more advanced in many ways than those of this planet.
They are assisting in the transformational process and have been doing so for quite some time—another mercy of SOURCE.
Ancient documents attest to this as well as the many carvings on ancient sites throughout the world.
Many of us have “extra-galactic bloodlines”, and some already know this, and some do not.
The knowing of this does not actually matter. What is important is that all “beings” connect to the INFINITE SOURCE.
Imagine a planet that has no disease, no war, no hatreds, no economic strife, no dangerous challenging weather situations.
Imagine a planet of perfect health for everyone, peace, love, abundant wealth, constant comfortably warm tropical weather.
Sounds like “Shangri-La” doesn’t it? It is possible, and it is coming.
I am reminded here of a poem by the famous writer Langston Hughes.
Part of that poem says: “Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams die, life is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly”.
Let us recognize these constant blasts of in-coming LIGHT as signs of the “New Golden Age” that is capable of taking flight when humanity is ready in increasing numbers to receive it.
It is within reach and can be “called” forth by dialing with the “GOD PARTICLE” (Pineal Gland) for this is the true “wireless network” of us all.
We are capable of magic, of alchemy, of creative thought and utterance.
There is LIGHT within us, and the LIGHT blasting from the cosmos is searching for its “twin flame”.
We are “it” and are being refined to receive our “other half”.