Thanks to Suzi on Buy Me a Coffee for her research, which I have drawn on. (1)
Long ago someone with whom I had a disagreement wanted to get rid of everything about me that was on their site. So they accused me of hacking their site and then deleted the material. Nice.
Well, of course, I can’t troubleshoot things on my laptop, never mind hack a site. (And why I’d want to is beyond me and was never explained.)
Now, here I am, watching Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium. The Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griwold, is accusing the Clerk of Mesa County, Tina Peters, of a security breach regarding passwords. The only problem is that Peters does not have access to the passwords. Only the Secretary of State does. I’m having deja vu. We’re watching fraud here in real time.
Why is she doing that? This CBS interview seems to have captured the reason: So that the Secretary of State can order the destruction of the Dominion vote-counting machines: Destroy the evidence.
This is how to prevent their Internet accessibility from becoming revealed. (2)
The Dominion machines actually do have the capability to access the Internet. The Dominion manual lays it out. Dominion employees have been videotaped confirming it. This is a secret that the Secretary of State clearly does not want revealed. We’re watching a cover-up in real time.
And of course blame your own actions on the opposition.
What’ll it take to wake up an unsuspecting and trusting public?
I have to admit to feeling charged up listening to some of the testimony and encouraging speeches at Mike’s Cyber Symposium. I expect they’ll be releasing segments of it soon and we’ll mount a few of the best.
I keep trying find the name of the Colorado Election Integrity Project speaker but cannot. She acknowledged how Mike Lindell inspired her to keep going: “He would not shut up about it. Whenever the momentum flagged, Mike would pick it up.” I agree. Mike is full of energy and he’s focusing all of it on election integrity.
She was eminently quotable. I hope we hear more from her. (3) Here is the video of the group, with the person I’m speaking about on the left. “Just a Mom,” she said at a later talk. She was never introduced.
Click on graphic to view video.
She suggested we’d made some serious excuses for a lack of involvement and it was now time to make some serious sacrifices. That hit home.
I also loved the law professor’s call for “a full forensic audit in all 50 states.” What he termed the “election cartel” can be observed trying to bury the election and destroy the evidence. And the mainstream media, as we see above, see nothing amiss in that. Destroy the election machines. Sure. Why not?
They both served the same role: Rallying the troops by giving an inspiring address. That’s above and beyond the excellent work each is doing in their own field, as the presentations showed. They both not only had the facts, but also the ability to rouse others to act on them.
I feel well inspired, well rallied by all of them. That’s probably the most significant outcome: The momentum created. Their dedication and determination raised my energy level a few notches.
Meanwhile one has only to google “election integrity project” to read all the attempts by the mainstream media to bury the election-integrity effort. Ridiculing it for “conspiracy theory.” Making out connections to QAnon, as if that’s a bad thing. Etc.
Watching Secretary of State Jena Griswold do all she can to bury election fraud is to watch the Deep State in action. No need for Netflix. The real news is much more gripping.
The wave of opposition appears to be growing just as the Company of Heaven said it would. (3) It’s our planet. We need to take the initiative in cleaning it up, including its politics, if we want higher powers to actively assist us. By the universal Law of Free Will, we have to start the ball rolling.
When we do take the initiative, it represents an expression of the collective and frees the hands of our star family and the celestials to help us.
The number of groups examining the election from different vantage points is encouraging. People on the Symposium showed how folks were coming together in groups making common cause to oppose the fraud. Everyone is working on a piece of the puzzle.
And this is just one puzzle. Others are doing the same work against the pandemic and vaccine, child trafficking, sexism, racism. It’s working. We’re continually growing and moving forward on restoring the planet to justice and equality.
I look to a future when all of us will be making common cause and combining our efforts. And common cause for what? For the creation of a world that works for everyone, not just a few.
(1) At SuzanneMaresca, “Wins of the Day for August 11, 2021.” Thanks to Suzi on Buy me a Coffee
(2) A fruitless task. The election integrity folks already have the manuals for the machine, showing Internet connectivity.
(3) Youtube had space for video producers to enter notes, often specifying who was speaking. But Rumble and the others don’t yet offer that. When the video is live, if one didn’t catch the name when it was said, there isn’t a way to recover it. I presume these are wrinkles that’ll be ironed out.
And we tell you … THE END OF THE DARK DAYS LIES AHEAD. (“The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 3, 2021,” at
Humanity is moving ever more rapidly towards its grand awakening, as more and more information about corruption in many and various kinds of organizations, that people have for many years believed to be honest, are being publicly revealed.
It is shocking for the vast majority, who are themselves honest and who live lives of honesty and integrity, when it is very clearly demonstrated to them that the organizations that they were brought up to trust and respect have been lying, cheating and misleading them for decades.
This is now coming to an end because those who have for many years – often quite unwillingly – supported those who control those delinquent organizations are no longer able in good faith to remain silent. Many “whistle-blowers” are now coming forward to reveal the enormity of the deception that has been perpetrated on the citizens of the world by their power-obsessed rulers and leaders. (Saul through John Smallman, at
(5) Here is Suzi’s list of available videos (so far):