(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Let me develop the quandary a bit. In absolute terms, none of us needs to do this lightwork and things will still work out. Our Father could of these stones raise up children unto Abraham. If the banquet guests are not ready, Jesus will go out and take people off the street.
In my view, only that which is in the Mother’s Plan will occur and what is in the Mother’s Plan will occur. (1) Ascension itself – not who ascends – is the Mother’s Plan and it will occur no matter who plays what role or who ascends and who does not.
So, again in absolute terms, I am not necessary for the success of the Plan.
But, if we’re lightworkers, then being that implies a soul contract entered into before birth. (These can also be amended.)
My quandary is that in the course of “visiting” higher states, I may end up wanting to stay there. No, the Mother wants a communicator, not a guru figure who remains on a higher dimension in consciousness:
Divine Mother: You have chosen long, long ago with Me, with Annastara [my twin flame], with ME KI AL to be a communicator and an agent of change.
You have chosen this because you’ve said to me, “Mother, what if they forget? I will remind them. I will communicate with them through words, through my passion, through my heart, through my knowing. I will communicate the love to them.”
This is your task and it is a task of change as this planet [is] in this great chaos, in flux. (2)
We need people to communicate what’s happening, particularly from the point of view of the Company of Heaven.
We need pathfinders to show us how to navigate through what will be for 98% of the population a totally new and inexplicable experience. Some lightworkers – gatekeepers and loveholders – need to go first, then explain to the rest what is happening, and show the way through.
A communicator communicates person to person. A guru has the connotation of more than/less than.
Also, a guru teaches individual students while a pathfinder/communicator seeks to entrain. That’s why they’re called “influencers.” Ours is a process of entrainment via social media today.
Michael explains in what sounds to me like a generic statement, one that may apply to every lightworker, now or in the future.
Archangel Michael: What you have now is the knowingness that you are, for purposes of explanation, moving forward dimensionally, flowing back and forth, and that sense also of the flow throughout dimensions, that you can flow back and forth, that it was not restricted, that it wasn’t that you arrived at Heaven’s Gate and that was it.
This flow is new. Well, it is not new but it is new to human thinking and the sense that, yes, you are not looking for students or followers. What you are truly doing, yes, as pathfinders, [is] you are showing the way, but you are also bringing along the collective in entrainment. (3)
So never mind just planting a seed in the collective consciousness, but bringing the collective along in entrainment. That’s a heavy responsibility.
Therefore, in terms of the choices that I make, which determine in the long run where I go, I don’t choose to go further into ecstasy and I don’t choose to hold onto it either. When it goes, it goes and I’ll be on to the next dimension and divine state.
It’s the spaces themselves I’m interested in. Let me rephrase that. It’s how I feel in these spaces that I’m interested in. Is not how we feel the most important (undeclared) matter to most people?
Michael said something some time ago that continues to fascinate me. He said:
AAM: Those human beings, particularly those in the higher vibrations, [are] learning to hold all the divine qualities and to be operating from all the divine qualities at once. (4)
Now that is a challenge which to me is like going to the Moon for some people. All the divine qualities…. Hmmmm….
(Concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) Divine Mother: I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
(2) The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/01/the-divine-mother-it-is-all-a-journey-of-love/.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017. [Hereafter AAM.]
(4) AAM, Jan. 4, 2019.