For a bit, my articles may read more like journal entries. I can’t keep up with the flow of new information and other ideas that are coming into me and Michael has asked me not to try to:
Archangel Michael: Do not turn down anything! So sometimes you have thought… Well, maybe if I slowed it down a bit, maybe if I paid closer attention to the details of what the input… Think of it as a constant stream. Think of a computer, a constant stream of input coming into your mechanism called the brain.
Do not turn it down because what you are doing in the upgrades is literally learning how to access what is important to you, what is meaningful to you and, yes, to the collective but we are talking about you at this moment. (1)
I’ll come to the interdimensional side of things in a moment. One upgrade happened on June 7 and another on July 31. Michael often calls these “snaps” and “ignitions” as well.
Whether the unsettling factor is an upgrade or interdimensional travel, he wants me to allow the flow.
One of the impacts of this on me is that I remain in an explorative modality. That means that I write ethnography, narrative, or biography rather than analysis because all will be too new to reach a conclusion about.
Another thing I’m finding is that, for me at least, this isn’t the time to project my ideas of how it’s always been onto the future.
I’ve been suspecting for some time that we’re generally in a higher-vibrational setting than we believe we are and it only awaits our waking up to it to have it be seen and felt.
This latest experience – being able to draw ecstasy up from my heart – reinforces that hunch. I never used to be able to do this in the past. Have I caught up with the present yet?
My expectations of the setting/vibration seem to be less than the vibration is holding out to me. Where is Giacomond when you need him?
Since we’re all of us God, of course we’re holding up the rope like Giacomond. And it ‘s going precisely where we say it is, by the Law of Attraction.
Giacomond simply cannot be seen with Third-Dimensional, empirical-materialist eyes. With higher-dimensional, spiritually-oriented ones, he’s crystal clear, obvious.
Where is your rope leading? We’re all Giacomonds.
I’ve run out of rope, so to speak. I’m sticking around here for a while. Ecstasy is far and away enough to keep me happy. Here’s what the Divine Mother said about this state a while ago:
“You explode [July 31] and you feel all the energies of the universe. And then, because you are becoming attuned to that feeling, that ecstasy, it steps down, and then you anchor it within your expanded field.
“But each time you do the connection, it expands you more and more and more, and your capacity to love, to create, to do, to be, to connect, more and more and more, until there is no memory, no experience, of separation. It was an illusion. It is a false grid. And it has been the shackles. But it is not real.” (2)
Her description is a touch grander than my experience, which I believe is toned down slightly. But I’m glad to hear that our ecstasy anchors. That was a piece of the puzzle I needed to know.
I feel reassured that I’m not flying the coop by experiencing ecstasy. The Mother says:
Divine Mother: Now, some of you have joined me in the ecstasy of bliss, and I thank you. I thank you for letting me in. You say, “Well, Mother, I knew you were coming in anyway.” That is true, but there are many who resist. (3)
OK, so I’m still on track by experiencing it and letting it go. But too much and I could decide to leave.
What was it she said? “I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!” (4) That’s it exactly. They’re watching out for that and I’m also watching.
(To be continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 13, 2016. [Hereafter AAM.]
(2) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at
(3) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at
(4) Divine Mother: [The sight of the Self at Xenia was truncated ] to keep you in sync with your readers. But let me be very clear…. If you had seen the light as it actually is – yes, a million, billion suns – you would have simply departed. … We don’t mean die but you would have departed the life that you have designed – yes, with us – for yourself, for the service you are providing – you would have departed and simply said, ‘I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!’” (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.)
That was Michael’s opinion as well:
Archangel Michael: If you fully enter into the bliss, into the One, you will not be interested in returning and serving. It will be a different experience, and it is not the experience that you have selected and chosen for yourself at this time. … You know that enlightenment is right there in front of you. It is yours to access. But if you are in service, you will not choose to live there. (AAM, Feb. 14, 2012.)
AAM: You are already moving. You have been dipping your toes, your hands, your head; you have been swimming, flying, walking, strolling through the higher realms, the Ascension Portal, the interdimensional reality – you are there.
Part of your and part of our recommendation to you is to play, to laugh, to enjoy, to be physical, so that you are anchored in the physical reality – because you are here to be a transition point and to be able to show people how to do both.
If you were completely involved in your full awakening, you in very great likelihood would not be forming a platform with me. You would be off somewhere in an ashram meditating. …
Ground yourself. Be human and love the experience of being in form. (AAM, May 6, 2013.)